
The Editorial Staff of Herpetological Conservation and Biology would like to acknowledge the following 137 peer-reviewers for their expert opinions in 2006-2007. Your efforts, dedication, and professionalism have ensured that Herpetological Conservation and Biology is a success

Micahel Adams,Leandro Alcalde, Bob Aldridge,Ron Altig,Diego Baldo,Paul Bartelt, Christina Bridges Britton, Michelle Boone,Roger Bour,David Bradford,Reuber Brandão, Ronald Brandon,Cheryl Briggs,Robert Brodman, William Brown,Evelyn Bull,Russell Burke,Bruce Bury,Janalee Caldwell, Todd Campbell,Christina Castellano, Charles Crissafulli, Cari Deen,Sean Doody,Michael Dorcas, Mike Dreslik,Gary Fellers, Michael Finkler, Mark Fisher, Robert Fisher,Lee Fitzgerald,Thomas Fritts,Ron Gagliardo,Patrick Galois, David Germano,Megan Gibbons,Stephen Goldberg,Gregory Green, Tanya Hawley,Marc Hayes, Jon Hemming, Ron Heyer, Brian Horn,Blake Hossack,Jeff Humphries, Robert Jaeger, Fred Janzen, Nancy Karraker,Robert Kissell,Patrick Kleeman,Roland Knapp,Sarah Kupferberg, Mike Lannoo,Yolanda Leon,Amy Lind,Peter Lindeman, Karen Lips,Lauren Livo,Kirk Lohman,Jeff Lovich,Robert Lovich,Richard Lupia,Stephen Mackessy, David Marsh,Jonathan Maul,Frank Mazzotti, Malcolm McCallum,Roy McDiarmid, Joe Milanovich, Brian Miller,Joe Mitchell, Michael Mullins, Robert Murphy,Erin Muths, Carlos Navas, Matt Niemiller,Theodore Papenfuss, Julie Parlos, Ann Paterson, Mark Paulison, Christopher Pearl, William Peterman,David Pike, Christopher Phillips, David Pilliod,Renata Platenberg, Mike Plummer, Cynthia Prado, Greg Pryor,Robert Puschendorf, Lara Rachowicz,Heath Rauschenberger,Rick Relyea,Graham Reynolds,Jonathan Richmond, Klaus Richter,Leslie Rissler,John Romansic,Willem Roosenburg,Travis Ryan, Chris Sasso, Raymond Saumure,Terry Schwaner,Norm Scott,Maria Sepúlveda,David Sever,Don Shepard,Scott Sherrill-Mix,Rick Shine, Brian Smith, Scott Snyder,Ricky Spencer, Leslie Stokes, Crystal Tolley,Stan Trauth, Tracey Tuberville, Michael Tuma, Dick Vogt, James Vonesh,Vance Vredenburg,Andrew Walde,Rocky Ward, Daniel Warner,Richard Wassersug, Patrick Weatherhead,Kent Wells,Benjamin Wheeler,Dawn Wilson, Larry Wilson


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