The layer 0 inner silicon detector of the D0 experiment
R. Angstadt,L. Bagby,A. Bean,T. Bolton,D. Buchholz,D. Butler,L. Christofek,W.E. Cooper,C.H. Daly,M. Demarteau,J. Foglesong,C.E. Gerber,H. Gonzalez,J. Green,H. Guldenman,K. Hanagaki,K. Herner,J. Howell,M. Hrycyk,M. Johnson,M. Kirby,K. Krempetz,W. Kuykendall,F. Lehner,R. Lipton,H.J. Lubatti,D. Markley,M. Matulik,R.L. McCarthy,A. Nomerotski,D. Olis,Y. Orlov,G.J. Otero y Garzón,M. Roman,R. Rucinski,K. Schultz,E. Shabalina,R.P. Smith,D. Strom,R.D. Taylor,D. Tsybychev,M. Tuttle,M. Utes, J. Wang,M. Weber,T. Wesson,S.W. Youn,T. Zhou, A. Zieminski Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment(2010)
Carbon fiber,Support structure,D0,Silicon microstrip tracker,Layer 0,Tevatron
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