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Virtual Compton Scattering under Π0 Threshold at Q2=0.33 GeV2. Preliminary Results

Nuclear Physics A(1999)SCI 4区

CEA Saclay | Johannes Gutenberg Univ Mainz | Univ Blaise Pascal | Univ Ghent | Old Dominion Univ | CNRS Orsay

Cited 1|Views23
We have measured the absolute unpolarized cross sections for photon electro-production off the proton ep -> ep gamma with the Three-Spectrometer-Setup at MAMI at a momentum transfer q=600 MeV/c and a virtual photon polarization epsilon=0.62. The momentum q' of the outgoing real photon range from 33 to 111 MeV/c. We extracted two combinations of the recently introduced generalized polarizabilities [1,2].
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parton distributions
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要点】:本文报道了在Q2=0.33 GeV2条件下,π0阈值下的虚拟康普顿散射的未极化截面测量结果,并从中提取了两种新近提出的广义极化率组合。

方法】:通过在MAMI的Three-Spectrometer-Setup上进行的质子光电生产反应ep -> ep gamma的实验,测量了不同出射实 photons (q')的绝对未极化截面。

实验】:实验在动量转移q=600 MeV/c和虚拟光子极化ε=0.62的条件下进行,使用的 outgoing real photon 的动量范围是33至111 MeV/c,并得到了初步结果。