
Polyphasic Approach of Bacterial Classification — an Overview of Recent Advances

Indian journal of microbiology/Indian Journal of Microbiology (Print)(2007)

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Classification of microorganisms on the basis of traditional microbiological methods (morphological, physiological and biochemical) creates a blurred image about their taxonomic status and thus needs further clarification. It should be based on a more pragmatic approach of deploying a number of methods for the complete characterization of microbes. Hence, the methods now employed for bacterial systematics include, the complete 16S rRNA gene sequencing and its comparative analysis by phylogenetic trees, DNA-DNA hybridization studies with related organisms, analyses of molecular markers and signature pattern(s), biochemical assays, physiological and morphological tests. Collectively these genotypic, chemotaxonomic and phenotypic methods for determining taxonomic position of microbes constitute what is known as the ‘polyphasic approach’ for bacterial systematics. This approach is currently the most popular choice for classifying bacteria and several microbes, which were previously placed under invalid taxa have now been resolved into new genera and species. This has been possible owing to rapid development in molecular biological techniques, automation of DNA sequencing coupled with advances in bioinformatic tools and access to sequence databases. Several DNA-based typing methods are known; these provide information for delineating bacteria into different genera and species and have the potential to resolve differences among the strains of a species. Therefore, newly isolated strains must be classified on the basis of the polyphasic approach. Also previously classified organisms, as and when required, can be reclassified on this ground in order to obtain information about their accurate position in the microbial world. Thus, current techniques enable microbiologists to decipher the natural phylogenetic relationships between microbes.
Polyphasic,Bacterial classification
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