Fine-Scale Sites of Global Conservation Importance in the Atlantic Forest of Brazil

Biodiversity and conservation(2010)

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The Brazilian Atlantic Forest is a highly threatened biodiversity hotspot that has been the subject of several complementary conservation assessments and priority-setting initiatives in the last 30 years. Results of these initiatives have relied on distinct types of distribution data for biodiversity features and differ in the objectivity and repeatability of their methodologies. Here we refine earlier priority-setting exercises using the key biodiversity areas (KBA) approach. We evaluate how well these KBAs are represented in the existing protected areas system, prioritize among them, and analyze critical aspects of the KBA methodology in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest context, such as its ability to guide specific conservation strategies. Building upon an extensive database with 1,636 species records and 122 previously identified Important Bird Areas, we demonstrate that conservation assessments in highly fragmented landscapes may be benefited by high resolution species data as is required by the KBA process. We identify 538 KBAs for 141 globally threatened vertebrate species. Prioritizing among these KBA, we highlight the 24 most irreplaceable sites for terrestrial vertebrate species conservation in the Atlantic Forest, based on existing data.
Atlantic forest,Brazil,Conservation assessment,Conservation priority-setting,Key biodiversity areas,Important bird areas
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