The SOUDAN 2 detector The operation and performance of the tracking calorimeter modules
W.W.M. Allison,G.J. Alner,I. Ambats,D.S. Ayres,L.J. Balka,G.D. Barr,W.L. Barrett,D. Benjamin,C. Bode,P.M. Border,C.B. Brooks,J.H. Cobb,D.J.A. Cockerill,K. Coover,R.J. Cotton,H. Courant,B.B. Dahlin,U. DasGupta,J.W. Dawson,D.M. Demuth,V.W. Edwards,B. Ewen,T.H. Fields,C. Garcia-Garcia,H.M. Gallagher,R.H. Giles,G.L. Giller,M.C. Goodman,R.N. Gray,S. Heppelmann,N. Hill,J.H. Hoftiezer,D.J. Jankowski,K. Johns,T. Joyce,T. Kafka,S.M.S. Kasahara,L.M. Kirby-Gallagher,J. Kochocki,W. Leeson,P.J. Litchfield,N.P. Longley,F.V. Lopez, M.J. Lowe,W.A. Mann,M.L. Marshak, E.N. May,D. Maxam,L. McMaster,R. Milburn, W.H. Miller,C.P. Minor,N. Mondal,L. Mualem,A. Napier,E.M. Nelson,R. Nickson,W. Oliver,G.F. Pearce,D.H. Perkins,E.A. Peterson,L.E. Price,D.M. Roback,D.B. Rosen,K. Ruddick,B. Saitta,D.J. Schmid,J. Schlereth,J. Schneps,M.H. Schub,R.V. Seidlein,P.D. Shield,M.A. Shupe, S. Spear,A. Stassinakis,N. Sundaralingam,M.A. Thomson,J.L. Thron,V. Vassiliev,G. Villaume,S.P. Wakely,D. Wall, E.W.G. Wallis,L. Weems,S.J. Werkema,N. West, U. Wielgosz,C.A. Woods, S. Yarker Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment(1996)
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