
A numerical model of fine sediment transport on the continental shelf

Environmental Earth Sciences(1982)

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A numerical model of fine-grained sediment dispersion in the New York Bight of the North American continental shelf is presented. Large amounts of waste material have been dumped in this region and the dispersal patterns of this material are of great interest to environmental managers. The model assumes that fine sediment resuspension is determined by surface wave activity and that transport is determined by tidal currents. Considering surface wave activity to be a random process reduces sediment motion to a random walk which is governed by a diffusion equation. The diffusion equation is solved numerically by an implicit time difference, finite element algorithm for a number of initial conditions. Initial conditions corresponding to ocean dumping sites show patterns of dispersal controlled by the geometry of the study region and the anisotropy of the tides. Material dumped at currently used dump sites reaches sensitive coastal areas before it leaves the continental shelf. Examination of the diffusion coefficients suggests an alternative dump site for fine-grained material. This dump site is relatively near sources of dumped material but produces minimal impact on coastal areas. This site should be considered as a possible alternative to expensive direct disposal at deep ocean sites.
diffusion equation,continental shelf,random walk,sediment transport,random process,initial condition,finite element,diffusion coefficient,surface wave,environmental management
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