
European Survey on Training Objectives in Disaster Medicine.

European journal of emergency medicine(2007)

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OBJECTIVES:As part of the I SEE (Interactive Simulation Exercise for Emergencies) project, financially supported by the Leonardo da Vinci Programme 2000-2006 of the European Commission, a study was planned to assess the type of disaster and to establish the tasks to be included in an emergency exercise to be developed, according to the possible target groups, physicians, nurses, ambulance personnel, dispatchers and first responders. A secondary objective was a description of the actual computer-based training situation in the training centres. A study involving different actors or target groups has not yet been conducted.METHODS:A questionnaire was developed, validated and subsequently distributed to the training centres for the different target groups in the partner countries. Each partner had to contact and interview the person responsible for the training in disaster medicine in the training institution. Data entry and analysis was carried out using the SPSS software on Apple Macintosh. Apart from descriptive statistics of the variables, differences between groups were analysed using analysis of variance and the Kruskal-Wallis test.RESULTS:In 75 questionnaires out of a total of 206, the combination of a major road traffic accident and a chemical accident was indicated as the first choice (36.4%). These priorities were present for the different countries and all target groups. Concerning the medical procedures to be included in the training exercise, the highest priority was given to medical coordination, medical management on site, medical alert procedures, assessment of immediate needs, medical resources management, victim transport and protection and safety procedures. Only minor differences were noted between countries, different target groups and the institutions irrespective of whether they are involved in response in case of a major accident or disaster. With regard to the secondary objective, 27% of the institutions used computer-based training in disaster medicine and, of those not using computer-based training, 23% plan its use in the near future.CONCLUSIONS:The European centres surveyed, put the emphasis for disaster medicine training on a mass casualty scenario. In accordance with this choice, prehospital aspects of medical care and management were considered as priorities for training. The I SEE project will develop a template and pilot exercise, serving all countries and providing team training. Among the institutions involved in the survey, a limited number will be invited to participate in the formative evaluation of the pilot exercise.
disaster medicine,interactive training,simulation,training objectives
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