Low-frequency detection and discrimination following apical hair cell destruction

Hearing Research(1991)

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This study assessed the effects of apical hair cell destruction on the detection and discrimination of low-frequency stimuli. Monauralized chinchillas were trained using operant conditioning and positive reinforcement to respond to pure-tone stimuli in the absence and the presence of a high-pass noise masker. Following the collection of the baseline absolute thresholds, psychophysical tuning curves (PTCs) also were determined at low and high frequencies. Apical hair cells in the experimental ear of each subject then were destroyed by applying a liquid-nitrogen-cooled miniature cryoprobe to the bony wall of the cochlea. Post-cryosurgery, unmasked and masked absolute thresholds and psychophysical tuning curves were re-evaluated. Following cryosurgery, low-frequency absolute thresholds increased by 30–50 dB. High-pass masking data suggested that receptors that were unaffected by the masking noise were responsible for the remaining low-frequency hearing. Low-frequency tuning, monitored by assessing changes in PTCs, was significantly altered following apical receptor cell loss, with the most effective maskers located several octaves above the test tone frequency. Following these determinations, one control and two experimental subjects then participated in a third experiment assessing low-frequency discrimination acuity. Some discrimination ability was retained after the cryosurgery; however, these post-lesion difference limens increased when a high-pass noise masker was added to the test environment. At the termination of the behavioral experiment, subjects were euthanized and their cochleae dissected to correlate behavioral and histopathological data. The data suggest that receptors located in frequency regions of the cochlea normally responsive to middle and high frequencies may be responsible for detection and discrimination of low-frequency stimuli in apically damaged cochleae. These data are consistent with other reports which indicate that redundant mechanisms are available for the detection of low-frequency stimuli, and they provide new information regarding how low-frequency stimuli are discriminated throughout the cochlea.
Cochlear apex,Low-frequency hearing,Frequency discrimination,Frequency selectivity,High-pass masking
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