Sensor-to-sensor identification of Hammerstein systems

Decision and Control(2012)

Cited 3|Views5
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Traditional system identification uses measurements of the inputs, but when these measurements are not available, alternative methods, such as blind identification, output-only identification, or operational modal analysis, must be used. Yet another method is sensor-to-sensor identification (S2SID), which estimates pseudo transfer functions whose inputs are outputs of the original system. A special case of S2SID is transmissibility identification. Since S2SID depends on cancellation of the input, this approach does not extend to nonlinear systems. However, in the present paper we show that, for the case of a two-output Hammerstein system, the least-squares estimate of the PTF is consistent, that is, asymptotically correct, despite the presence of the nonlinearities.
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Key words
control nonlinearities,identification,modal analysis,nonlinear control systems,transfer functions,Hammerstein system,blind identification,least-squares estimation,nonlinear system,nonlinearities,operational modal analysis,output-only identification,pseudo transfer function estimation,sensor-to-sensor identification,system identification,transmissibility identification
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