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Statistical Analysis of Relativistic Electron Energies for Cyclotron Resonance with EMIC Waves Observed on CRRES

Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics(2003)

UCL | university of california | natural environment research council | memorial university of newfoundland | university of newcastle | university of iowa

Cited 419|Views9
Electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) waves which propagate at frequencies below the proton gyrofrequency can undergo cyclotron resonant interactions with relativistic electrons in the outer radiation belt and cause pitch‐angle scattering and electron loss to the atmosphere. Typical storm‐time wave amplitudes of 1–10 nT cause strong diffusion scattering which may lead to significant relativistic electron loss at energies above the minimum energy for resonance, Emin. A statistical analysis of over 800 EMIC wave events observed on the CRRES spacecraft is performed to establish whether scattering can occur at geophysically interesting energies (≤2 MeV). While Emin is well above 2 MeV for the majority of these events, it can fall below 2 MeV in localized regions of high plasma density and/or low magnetic field (fpe/fce,eq > 10) for wave frequencies just below the hydrogen or helium ion gyrofrequencies. These lower energy scattering events, which are mainly associated with resonant L‐mode waves, are found within the magnetic local time range 1300 < MLT < 1800 for L > 4.5. The average wave spectral intensity of these events (4–5 nT2/Hz) is sufficient to cause strong diffusion scattering. The spatial confinement of these events, together with the limited set of these waves that resonate with ≤2 MeV electrons, suggest that these electrons are only subject to strong scattering over a small fraction of their drift orbit. Consequently, drift‐averaged scattering lifetimes are expected to lie in the range of several hours to a day. EMIC wave scattering should therefore significantly affect relativistic electron dynamics during a storm. The waves that resonate with the ∼MeV electrons are produced by low‐energy (∼keV) ring current protons, which are expected to be injected into the inner magnetosphere during enhanced convection events.
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Key words
EMIC waves,relativistic electrons,wave/particle interaction,outer radiation belt
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要点】:本研究通过统计分析CRRES任务中观测到的超过800次EMIC波事件,探讨了在地球物理意义上有趣的能量范围内(小于或等于2 MeV),相对论电子与EMIC波进行回旋共振时的散射现象。


实验】:研究使用CRRES任务中收集的数据集,发现在特定的局部区域,当等离子体密度高和/或磁场强度低(f(pe)/f(ce,eq) > 10)时,波频率略低于氢离子或氦离子回旋频率的回旋共振L模态波可引起小于2 MeV能量的电子散射。这些事件主要在磁地方时1300 < MLT < 1800且李萨如数L > 4.5的范围内被发现。这些事件的平均波谱强度(4-5 nT(2)/Hz)足以引起强散射扩散。这些事件的时空限制以及能与小于或等于2 MeV电子共振的这类波的有限性表明,这些电子只在漂移轨道上的小部分区域内受到强散射。因此,漂移平均散射寿命预计将介于几小时到一天之间。由此推论,在暴风雨期间,EMIC波的散射将对相对论电子动力学产生显著影响。产生与约2 MeV电子共振的波是由低能量(约keV)的环电流质子产生的,这些质子预计在增强的对流事件期间被注入到内磁层中。