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Numerical Modeling of Splashing and Air Entrapment in High-Pressure Die Casting

˜The œinternational journal of advanced manufacturing technology/International journal, advanced manufacturing technology(2007)

Cited 23|Views1
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High-pressure die casting (HPDC) is one of the most important manufacturing processes. Air porosity in HPDC parts has many serious effects upon the casting quality. A 3D single-phase code based on the SOLA-VOF algorithm is used for the continuous phase advection during mold filling. In this research, a computational model based on concentration transport equation is used for calculation of air porosity distribution and a mixed VOF-Lagrange algorithm is developed in order to model splashing in HPDC. Finally, Schmid’s experimental tests are used to verify the modelling results and the comparison between the experimental data and simulation results has shown a good agreement.
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High-pressure die casting (HPDC),Splashing,Air porosity,VOF-Lagrange
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