Relativistic quasimonoenergetic positron jets from intense laser-solid interactions.


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Detailed angle and energy resolved measurements of positrons ejected from the back of a gold target that was irradiated with an intense picosecond duration laser pulse reveal that the positrons are ejected in a collimated relativistic jet. The laser-positron energy conversion efficiency is ∼2×10{-4}. The jets have ∼20 degree angular divergence and the energy distributions are quasimonoenergetic with energy of 4 to 20 MeV and a beam temperature of ∼1  MeV. The sheath electric field on the surface of the target is shown to determine the positron energy. The positron angular and energy distribution is controlled by varying the sheath field, through the laser conditions and target geometry.
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Key words
electric fields,quantum mechanics,gold,metals,spectra,gamma ray,solids,interactions,plasma physics,elements,electromagnetic radiation,electric field,conversion,transition elements,energy conversion,efficiency
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