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Wavelength-dispersive X-Ray Microanalysis As a Novel Method for Studying Magnesium Doping in Gallium Nitride Epitaxial Films

Semiconductor science and technology(2006)

Cited 7|Views8
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Magnesium doping is critically important in GaN device technology, since it provides the only viable method of producing layers with p-type conductivity. Electron probe microanalysis with wavelength dispersive x-ray spectrometry (WDX-EPMA) was used to measure magnesium atom concentrations in doped GaN films grown by metal organic vapour phase epitaxy (MOVPE). Our study compared the behaviour of a widely used magnesium source in MOVPE, bis( cyclopentadienyl) magnesium, when vaporized as a solid and as a proprietary two-phase source, Solution Cp2Mg (TM). The WDX-EPMA technique was capable of measuring [Mg] values in GaN layers at practically useful concentrations of 1019 cm(-3) upwards. Excellent agreement in [ Mg] values was obtained between [ Mg] values measured by WDX-EPMA and the more widely used technique of secondary ion mass spectrometry ( SIMS). A set of 12 GaN: Mg samples was studied by WDX-EPMA to investigate the dependence of [ Mg] on the flow rate of the magnesium source into the MOVPE reactor, with other conditions held constant, including a growth set-point temperature of 1130 degrees C. These measurements suggested a solid solubility limit at similar to 10(20) cm(-3), consistent with previous studies. Up to a value of about half the saturation limit, [ Mg] values were proportional to the magnesium source flow, and indicated magnesium atom incorporation from the gas phase with similar to 11% of the efficiency of gallium atoms. No systematic differences were seen between the behaviour of solid magnesocene and Solution Cp2Mg (TM). A more limited study of the temperature dependence of magnesium incorporation showed a reduction in incorporation of similar to 40% as the growth temperature was reduced from 1130 to 1090 degrees C, consistent with kinetic control. Selected GaN: Mg samples were studied by Hall measurements and high-resolution x-ray diffraction. This work showed no systematic structural degradation of GaN: Mg close to the magnesium solubility limit. Our most conductive sample had a hole concentration of 4.4 x 10(17) cm(-3), consistent with the expected generation of acceptors from only a small fraction of the magnesium atoms. We also discuss the relative capabilities of SIMS and WDX-EPMA in the context of analysing GaN:Mg samples. SIMS offers superior depth profiling capability and detection limits, whilst WDX-EPMA offers superior spatial resolution, non-destructive analysis, plus simultaneous imaging and cathodoluminescence spectroscopy.
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