
Benthic Macrofaunal Communities in Partially Impounded Salt Marshes in Delaware: Comparisons with Natural Marshes and Responses to Sediment Exposure


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This two-part study examined the benthic macrofaunal community in Delaware salt marsh impoundments having partial tidal restriction. The first part compared abundance, diversity, and taxonomic composition in three habitat types in impoundments—creeks, vegetated creek banks, and ponds—to those found in natural marshes. Impoundment effects were present but were habitat-specific. Abundances were higher in natural marsh creeks than in impoundment creeks, and diversities were higher in impoundment ponds than in natural marsh ponds. Vegetated bank communities in impoundments were about 50% insects and arachnids and 50% oligochaetes, while natural bank communities were primarily oligochaetes and the polychaeteManayunkia aestuarina. This is likely due to the decrease in flooding of the vegetated high marsh caused by partial impoundment. Pond and creek community composition also showed impoundment effects: in comparison with natural marshes, impoundments had higher proportions of the burrowing anemoneNematostella vectensis, nemerteans, andTubificoides sp. oligochaetes and lower proportions of the oligochaeteClitellio arenarius. The second part of the study compared benthic macrofauna in an impoundment before, during, and after the water level was lowered so that some bottom sediments were exposed and some covered with just a few centimeters of water for several weeks. During this event, macrofaunal abundances were reduced and the community shifted from being dominated by annelids, anemones, and nemerteans toward one dominated by annelids and insects. About 6 wk after reflooding, persistent effects of this disturbance were still suggested by greatly increased abundances and 96% dominance by one species of oligochaete,Paranais litoralis. Impoundment management plans calling for periods of sediment exposure or very low water may want to consider the potential for strong and persistent effects on the macrofaunal community.
Salt Marsh,Polychaete,High Marsh,Persistent Effect,Natural Marsh
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