
The Extraction of $\Phi-N$ Total Cross Section from $D(\gamma,pk^+k^-)N$ Process

X. Qian, W. Chen,H. Gao,K. Hicks,K. Kramer,J. M. Laget,T. Mibe,S. Stepanyan,D. J. Tedeschi, W. Xu,K. P. Adhikari,M. Amaryan,M. Anghinolfi,H. Baghdasaryan,J. Ball,M. Battaglieri,V. Batourine,I. Bedlinskiy,M. Bellis, A. S. Biselli,C. Bookwalter,D. Branford,W. J. Briscoe,W. K. Brooks,V. D. Burkert,S. L. Careccia,D. S. Carman,P. L. Cole,P. Collins,V. Crede,A. D'Angelo,A. Daniel,N. Dashyan,R. De Vita,E. De Sanctis,A. Deur,B. Dey,S. Dhamija,R. Dickson,C. Djalali,G. E. Dodge,D. Doughty,R. Dupre,P. Eugenio,G. Fedotov,S. Fegan,R. Fersch,A. Fradi,M. Y. Gabrielyan,G. P. Gilfoyle,K. L. Giovanetti,F. X. Girod,J. T. Goetz,W. Gohn,E. Golovatch,R. W. Gothe, K. A. Griffloenn,M. Guidal,L. Guo,K. Hafidi,H. Hakobyan,C. Hanretty,N. Hassall,D. Heddle,M. Holtrop,C. E. Hyde,Y. Ilieva,D. G. Ireland,B. S. Ishkhanov,E. L. Isupov,S. S. Jawalkar,J. R. Johnstone,K. Joo,D. Keller,M. Khandaker,P. Khetarpal,W. Kim,A. Klein,F. J. Klein,V. Kubarovsky, S. V. Kuleshovz,V. Kuznetsov,K. Livingston,H. Y. Lu,D. Martinez,M. Mayer,M. E. McCracken,B. McKinnon,C. A. Meyer,T. Mineeva,M. Mirazita,V. Mokeev,K. Moriya,B. Morrison,E. Munevar, R. Nadel-Turonski,R. Nasseripour,C. S. Nepali,S. Niccolai,G. Niculescu,I. Niculescu,M. R. Niroula,M. Osipenko,A. I. Ostrovidov, K. Park,S. Park,E. Pasyuk, S. Anefalos Pereirav,S. Pisano,O. Pogorelko,S. Pozdniakov,J. W. Price,S. Procureur,D. Protopopescu,B. A. Raue,G. Ricco,M. Ripani,B. G. Ritchie,G. Rosner,P. Rossi,F. Sabatie,M. S. Saini,C. Salgado,D. Schott,R. A. Schumacher,H. Seraydaryan,Y. G. Sharabian,E. S. Smith,D. I. Sober,D. Sokhan,I. I. Strakovsky,S. Strauch,M. Taiuti,S. Tkachenko,M. Ungaro,M. F. Vineyard,D. P. Watts,L. B. Weinstein,D. P. Weygand,M. Williams,E. Wolin,M. H. Wood,L. Zana,J. Zhang,B. Zhao,Z. W. Zhao

Physics letters B(2009)

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We report on the first measurement of the differential cross section of ϕ-meson photoproduction for the d(γ,pK+K−)n exclusive reaction channel. The experiment was performed using a tagged-photon beam and the CEBAF Large Acceptance Spectrometer (CLAS) at Jefferson Lab. A combined analysis using data from the d(γ,pK+K−)n channel and those from a previous publication on coherent ϕ production on the deuteron has been carried out to extract the ϕ−N total cross section, σϕN. The extracted ϕ−N total cross section favors a value above 20 mb. This value is larger than the value extracted using vector-meson dominance models for ϕ photoproduction on the proton.
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