
Observation Of Y Production In Hadronic Z(0) Decays

G. Alexander,J. Allison, N. Altekamp,K. Ametewee,K.J. Anderson,S. Anderson,S. Arcelli,S. Asai,D. Axen, D. Azuelos,A.H. Ball,E. Barberio,R.J. Barlow,R. Bartoldus,J.R. Batley,G. Beaudoin,J. Bechtluft, G.A. Beck,C. Beeston,T. Behnke,A.N. Bell,K.W. Bell,G. Bella,S. Bentvelsen, P. Berlich,S. Bethke,O. Biebel,I.J. Bloodworth,J.E. Bloomer,P. Bock,H.M. Bosch,M. Boutemeur,B.T. Bouwens,S. Braibant, P. Bright-Thomas,R.M. Brown,H.J. Burckhart,C. Burgard,R. Bürgin,P. Capiluppi,R.K. Carnegie,A.A. Carter,J.R. Carter, C.Y. Chang,C. Charlesworth,D.G. Charlton,D. Chrisman,S.L. Chu,P.E.L. Clarke,S.G. Clowes,I. Cohen,J.E. Conboy,O.C. Cooke,M. Cuffiani,S. Dado,C. Dallapiccola,G.M. Dallavalle,C. Darling,S. De Jong,L.A. del Pozo,M.S. Dixit,E. do Couto e Silva,E. Duchovni,G. Duckeck,I.P. Duerdoth,U.C. Dunwoody,J.E.G. Edwards,P.G. Estabrooks,H.G. Evans,F. Fabbri,B. Fabbro,P. Fath,F. Fiedler,M. Fierro,M. Fincke-Keeler,H.M. Fischer,R. Folman,D.G. Fong,M. Foucher,H. Fukui,A. Fürtjes,P. Gagnon,A. Gaidot,J.W. Gary,J. Gascon,S.M. Gascon-Shotkin,N.I. Geddes,C. Geich-Gimbel,S.W. Gensler,F.X. Gentit,T. Geralis,G. Giacomelli,P. Giacomelli,R. Giacomelli,V. Gibson,W.R. Gibson,D.M. Gingrich,J. Goldberg,M.J. Goodrick,W. Gorn,C. Grandi,E. Gross,G.G. Hanson,M. Hansroul,M. Hapke,C.K. Hargrove,P.A. Hart,C. Hartmann,M. Hauschild,C.M. Hawkes,R. Hawkings,R.J. Hemingway,G. Herten,R.D. Heuer,M.D. Hildreth,J.C. Hill,S.J. Hillier,T. Hilse,P.R. Hobson,D. Hochman,R.J. Homer,A.K. Honma,D. Horváth,R. Howard,R.E. Hughes-Jones,D.E. Hutchcroft,P. Igo-Kemenes, D.C. Imrie,A. Jawahery,P.W. Jeffreys,H. Jeremie,M. Jimack,A. Joly,M. Jones,R.W.L. Jones,U. Jost,P. Jovanovic,D. Karlen,T. Kawamoto,R.K. Keeler,R.G. Kellogg,B.W. Kennedy,B.J. King,J. King,J. Kirk,S. Kluth,T. Kobayashi,M. Kobel,D.S. Koetke,T.P. Kokott,S. Komamiya,R. Kowalewski,T. Kress,P. Krieger,J. von Krogh,P. Kyberd,G.D. Lafferty,H. Lafoux,R. Lahmann,W.P. Lai,D. Lanske, J. Lauber,J.G. Layter, A.M. Lee,E. Lefebvre,D. Lellouch,J. Letts,L. Levinson,C. Lewis,S.L. Lloyd,F.K. Loebinger,G.D. Long,B. Lorazo,M.J. Losty,J. Ludwig,A. Luig,A. Malik,M. Mannelli,S. Marcellini,C. Markus,A.J. Martin,J.P. Martin,G. Martinez,T. Mashimo,W. Matthews,P. Mättig,W.J. McDonald,J. McKenna,E.A. Mckigney,T.J. McMahon,A.I. McNab,F. Meijers,S. Menke,F.S. Merritt,H. Meg,J. Meyer,A. Michelini,G. Mikenberg,D.J. Miller,R. Mir,W. Mohr,A. Montanari, T. Mori,M. Morii,U. Müller, B. Nellen,B. Nijjhar,R. Nisius,S.W. O'Neale,F.G. Oakham,F. Odorici,H.O. Ogren,N.J. Oldershaw,T. Omori,C.J. Oram,M.J. Oreglia,S. Orito,M. Palazzo,J. Pálinkág,F.M. Palmonari,J.P. Pansart,G. Pásztor,J.R. Pater,G.N. Patrick,M.J. Pearce,P.D. Phillips,J.E. Pilcher,J. Pinfold,D.E. Plane,P. Poffenberger, B. Poli, A. Posthaus,T.W. Pritchard, H. Przysiezniak,D.L. Rees,D. Rigby,M.G. Rison,S.A. Robins,N. Rodning,J.M. Roney,E. Ros,A.M. Rossi, M. Rosvick, P. Routenburg,Y. Rozen,K. Runge,O. Runolfsson,D.R. Rust,R. Rylko, E.K.G. Sarkisyan,M. Sasaki,C. Sbarra,A.D. Schaile,O. Schaile,F. Scharf,P. Scharff-Hansen,P. Schenk,B. Schmitt,M. Schröder,H.C. Schultz-Coulon,M. Schulz,P. Schütz,J. Schwiening,W.G. Scott,T.G. Shears,B.C. Shen,C.H. Shepherd-Themistocleous,P. Sherwood,G.P. Siroli, A. Sittler,A. Skillman,A. Skuja,A.M. Smith,T.J. Smith, G.A. Snow,R. Sobie,S. Söldner-Rembold,R.W. Springer,M. Sproston,A. Stahl,M. Starks,C. Stegmann,K. Stephens,J. Steuerer,B. Stockhausen,D. Strom,F. Strumia,P. Szymanski,R. Tafirout,H. Takeda,P. Taras,S. Tarem,M. Tecchio,N. Tesch,M.A. Thomson,E. von Törne,S. Towers,M. Tscheulin,T. Tsukamoto,E. Tsur,A.S. Turcot,M.F. Turner-Watson,P. Utzat,R. Van Kooten,G. Vasseur,P. Vikas,M. Vincter, E.H. Vokurka,F. Wäckerle,A. Wagner,D.L. Wagner,C.P. Ward,D.R. Ward,J.J. Ward,P.M. Watkins,A.T. Watson,N.K. Watson,P. Weber,P.S. Wells,N. Wermes,B. Wilkens,G.W. Wilson,J.A. Wilson,T. Wlodek,G. Wolf,S. Wotton,T.R. Wyatt,S. Xella,S. Yamashita,G. Yekutieli,V. Zacek


引用 19|浏览136
Evidence for the production of Upsilon mesons in hadronic Z(0) decays is presented. Using a sample of 3.7 million hadronic events, eight Upsilon candidates are identified from their decays into e(+)e(-) and mu(+)mu(-) pairs. The estimated background in the signal region is 1.6 +/- 0.3 events. Based on existing theoretical models for inclusive Upsilon production, the following branching ratio, summed over the three lightest Upsilon states, is obtained:Br(Z(0) --> Upsilon + X) = (1.0 +/- 0.4 +/- 0.1 +/- 0.2) x 10(-4),where the first error is statistical, the second systematic and the third error accounts for uncertainties in the production mechanism.
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