Measurement of the proton structure function F2 and σtotγ∗p at low Q2 and very low x at HERA

J. Breitweg,M. Derrick,D. Krakauer,S. Magill,D. Mikunas,B. Musgrave,J. Repond,R. Stanek,R.L. Talaga,R. Yoshida,H. Zhang,M.C.K. Mattingly,F. Anselmo,P. Antonioli,G. Bari,M. Basile,L. Bellagamba,D. Boscherini,A. Bruni,G. Bruni,G. Cara Romeo,G. Castellini,L. Cifarelli,F. Cindolo,A. Contin,M. Corradi,S. De Pasquale,I. Gialas,P. Giusti,G. Iacobucci,G. Laurenti,G. Levi,A. Margotti,T. Massam,R. Nania,F. Palmonari,A. Pesci,A. Polini,F. Ricci,G. Sartorelli,Y. Zamora Garcia,A. Zichichi,C. Amelung,A. Bornheim,I. Brock,K. Coböken,J. Crittenden,R. Deffner,M. Eckert,M. Grothe,H. Hartmann,K. Heinloth,L. Heinz,E. Hilger,H.-P. Jakob,U.F. Katz,R. Kerger,E. Paul,M. Pfeiffer,Ch. Rembser,J. Stamm,R. Wedemeyer,H. Wieber,D.S. Bailey,S. Campbell-Robson,W.N. Cottingham,B. Foster,R. Hall-Wilton,M.E. Hayes,G.P. Heath,H.F. Heath,D. Piccioni,D.G. Roff,R.J. Tapper,M. Arneodo,R. Ayad,M. Capua,A. Garfagnini,L. Iannotti,M. Schioppa,G. Susinno, J.Y. Kim,J.H. Lee,I.T. Lim,M.Y. Pac,A. Caldwell,N. Cartiglia, Z. Jing,W. Liu,B. Mellado,J.A. Parsons,S. Ritz,S. Sampson,F. Sciulli,P.B. Straub,Q. Zhu,P. Borzemski,J. Chwastowski,A. Eskreys,Z. Jakubowski,M.B. Przybycień,M. Zachara,L. Zawiejski,L. Adamczyk,B. Bednarek,K. Jeleń,D. Kisielewska,T. Kowalski,M. Przybycień,E. Rulikowska-Zarȩbska,L. Suszycki,J. Zaja̧c,Z. Duliński,A. Kotański,G. Abbiendi, L.A.T. Bauerdick,U. Behrens,H. Beier,J.K. Bienlein,G. Cases,O. Deppe,K. Desler,G. Drews,U. Fricke,D.J. Gilkinson,C. Glasman,P. Göttlicher,J. Große-Knetter,T. Haas,W. Hain, D. Hasell,K.F. Johnson,M. Kasemann,W. Koch,U. Kötz,H. Kowalski,J. Labs,L. Lindemann,B. Löhr,M. Löwe,O. Mańczak,J. Milewski,T. Monteiro, J.S.T. Ng,D. Notz,K. Ohrenberg, I.H. Park,A. Pellegrino,F. Pelucchi,K. Piotrzkowski,M. Roco,M. Rohde,J. Roldán,J.J. Ryan, A.A. Savin,U. Schneekloth,F. Selonke,B. Surrow,E. Tassi,T. Voß,D. Westphal,G. Wolf,U. Wollmer,C. Youngman,A.F. Żarnecki,W. Zeuner,B.D. Burow,H.J. Grabosch,A. Meyer,S. Schlenstedt,G. Barbagli,E. Gallo,P. Pelfer,G. Maccarrone,L. Votano,A. Bamberger,S. Eisenhardt,P. Markun,T. Trefzger,S. Wölfle,J.T. Bromley,N.H. Brook, P.J. Bussey,A.T. Doyle,D.H. Saxon,L.E. Sinclair,E. Strickland,M.L. Utley,R. Waugh, A.S. Wilson,I. Bohnet,N. Gendner,U. Holm,A. Meyer-Larsen,H. Salehi,K. Wick,L.K. Gladilin, D. Horstmann,D. Kçira,R. Klanner,E. Lohrmann,G. Poelz,W. Schott,F. Zetsche,T.C. Bacon,I. Butterworth,J.E. Cole,V.L. Harris,G. Howell,B.H.Y. Hung,L. Lamberti,K.R. Long,D.B. Miller,N. Pavel,A. Prinias,J.K. Sedgbeer,D. Sideris,A.F. Whitfield,U. Mallik,S.M. Wang,J.T. Wu,P. Cloth,D. Filges,J.I. Fleck, T. Ishii,M. Kuze,M. Nakao,K. Tokushuku,S. Yamada,Y. Yamazaki, S.H. An,S.B. Lee,S.W. Nam,H.S. Park,S.K. Park,F. Barreiro,J.P. Fernández,G. García,R. Graciani,J.M. Hernández,L. Hervás,L. Labarga,M. Martínez,J. del Peso, J. Puga,J. Terrón,J.F. de Trocóniz,F. Corriveau,D.S. Hanna,J. Hartmann,L.W. Hung,J.N. Lim,W.N. Murray,A. Ochs,M. Riveline,D.G. Stairs,M. St-Laurent,R. Ullmann,T. Tsurugai,V. Bashkirov,B.A. Dolgoshein,A. Stifutkin,G.L. Bashindzhagyan,P.F. Ermolov,Yu.A. Golubkov, L.A. Khein,N.A. Korotkova,I.A. Korzhavina,V.A. Kuzmin,O.Yu. Lukina,A.S. Proskuryakov,L.M. Shcheglova,A.N. Solomin,S.A. Zotkin, C. Bokel,M. Botje,N. Brümmer,F. Chlebana,J. Engelen,P. Kooijman,A. van Sighem,H. Tiecke,N. Tuning,W. Verkerke,J. Vossebeld,M. Vreeswijk,L. Wiggers,E. de Wolf,D. Acosta,B. Bylsma,L.S. Durkin,J. Gilmore,C.M. Ginsburg,C.L. Kim,T.Y. Ling,P. Nylander,T.A. Romanowski,H.E. Blaikley,R.J. Cashmore,A.M. Cooper-Sarkar,R.C.E. Devenish,J.K. Edmonds,N. Harnew,M. Lancaster,J.D. McFall,C. Nath, V.A. Noyes,A. Quadt,O. Ruske,J.R. Tickner,H. Uijterwaal,R. Walczak,D.S. Waters,A. Bertolin,R. Brugnera,R. Carlin,F. Dal Corso,U. Dosselli,S. Limentani,M. Morandin,M. Posocco,L. Stanco,R. Stroili,C. Voci,J. Bulmahn,R.G. Feild,B.Y. Oh,J.R. Okrasiński,J.J. Whitmore,Y. Iga,G. D'Agostini, G. Marini,A. Nigro,M. Raso,J.C. Hart,N.A. McCubbin, T.P. Shah,D. Epperson,C. Heusch,J.T. Rahn,H.F.-W. Sadrozinski,A. Seiden, D.C. Williams,O. Schwarzer,A.H. Walenta,H. Abramowicz,G. Briskin, S. Dagan,T. Doeker,S. Kananov,A. Levy,T. Abe,T. Fusayasu,M. Inuzuka,K. Nagano,I. Suzuki,K. Umemori,T. Yamashita,R. Hamatsu,T. Hirose,K. Homma,S. Kitamura,T. Matsushita,K. Yamauchi,R. Cirio,M. Costa,M.I. Ferrero,S. Maselli,V. Monaco,C. Peroni,M.C. Petrucci,R. Sacchi,A. Solano,A. Staiano,M. Dardo,D.C. Bailey,M. Brkic, C.-P. Fagerstroem,G.F. Hartner,K.K. Joo,G.M. Levman,J.F. Martin,R.S. Orr,S. Polenz,C.R. Sampson,D. Simmons,R.J. Teuscher,J.M. Butterworth,C.D. Catterall,T.W. Jones,P.B. Kaziewicz,J.B. Lane,R.L. Saunders,J. Shulman,M.R. Sutton,B. Lu,L.W. Mo,J. Ciborowski,G. Grzelak,M. Kasprzak,K. Muchorowski,R.J. Nowak,J.M. Pawlak,R. Pawlak,T. Tymieniecka,A.K. Wróblewski,J.A. Zakrzewski,M. Adamus,C. Coldewey,Y. Eisenberg,D. Hochman,U. Karshon,D. Revel,W.F. Badgett,D. Chapin,R. Cross,S. Dasu,C. Foudas,R.J. Loveless,S. Mattingly,D.D. Reeder,W.H. Smith,A. Vaiciulis,M. Wodarczyk,S. Bhadra,W.R. Frisken,M. Khakzad,W.B. Schmidke


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A small electromagnetic sampling calorimeter, installed in the ZEUS experiment in 1995, significantly enhanced the acceptance for very low x and low Q(2) inelastic neutral current scattering, e(+)p --> e(+)X, at HERA. A measurement of the proton structure function F-2 and the total virtual photon-proton (gamma*p) cross-section is presented for 0.11 less than or equal to Q(2) less than or equal to 0.65 GeV2 and 2 x 10(-6) less than or equal to x less than or equal to 6 x 10(-5), corresponding to a range in the gamma*p c.m. energy of 100 less than or equal to W less than or equal to 230 GeV. Comparisons with various models are also presented. (C) 1997 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.
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