
Impact Des Gastroentérites À Rotavirus Chez Les Enfants De Moins De Cinq Ans Hospitalisés Ou Consultant En Services D’urgences En France

Pathologie biologie/Pathologie et biologie(2012)

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Background. - In France, Rotavirus infections are responsible for approximately 300,000 cases of acute gastroenteritis (AGE) in children less than 5 years every year, 138,000 outpatient consultations and 18,000 hospitalizations. Surveillance for Rotavirus Infections in Hospitalized Kids (SHRIK) is a European prospective observational study conducted to assess the burden related to Rotavirus gastroenteritis (RVGE) in these children.Methods. - Patients less than 5 years visiting emergency rooms for AGE (U-AGE), who were hospitalized (H-AGE) or who developed RVGE 48 hours after hospitalization (N-AGE) were included in the study over a year. A stool sample was collected for every child and analyzed by ELISA.Results. - Results are presented for patients enrolled in France. A total of 755 eligible patients with AGE were included (357 for U-AGE, 372 for H-AGE and 26 for N-AGE). Among them, the proportion of RVGE was 49.1% (n = 114) for U-AGE and 64.4% (n = 186) for H-AGE. Most cases of RVGE (89%) involved children less than 2 years. GERV were frequently more severe than GEA non related to Rotavirus (NRVGE), according to the Vesikari scale, (68.4% against 41.9%, P < 0.0001). Oral rehydration was performed for nearly 50% of RVGE patients before coming to hospital, versus 36.2% for NRVGE (P < 0.002). All RV-positive strains were genotyped: the most frequent strains were G1P[8] (U-AGE, 42%; H-AGE, 46%) and G9P[8] (U-AGE, 38%; H-AGE, 31%).Conclusion. - SHRIK study followed up all GEA visiting emergency room or requiring hospitalization for one year and showed that the burden of Rotavirus disease is high with a ratio over 70% of all hospital GEA during the winter peak. (c) 2011 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
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