
Raum für soziale Experimente - Zukunftsperspektiven für die Plattenbausiedlung Neu-Schmellwitz


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In the large housing estate Neu-Schmellwitz at the northern periphe- ry of Cottbus the urban renewal continues with the deconstruction of more residential buildings. The quarter with the highest flat vacancy rate is the main focus of deconstruction process of the city. Perspec- tively the area will be developed in an urbanistic fragmentary and so- cial unintegrated residential quarter. After students of the study course urban design and regional planning already worked out an ex- tensive status quo analysis of Neu-Schmellwitz, a new study project in summer semester 2008 was aiming the formulation of planning con- cepts low-maintenance and based on civil participation for a medium up to long-term transformation. The student competition "Space for so- cial Experiments", invited by the Schader-Foundation, called for expe- rimental, innovative and creative methods and concepts for spaces wi- thout function. In a residential quarter, where a regular reconstruction is not possible and even in 2020 still people will live, and in addition further on a varied requirement use will be demanded for the area, the contemporary, social and ecological oriented landscape architecture assumes an integrative function. The project reveals the discussion ab- out the contemporary issue of conversion of the reconstruction areas with the instruments of landscape architecture; is it possible to trans- form them in utilisable recreational areas and to use the green struc- tures for the reorganisation of the whole residential quarter? Prima- rily it is a question of acceptance and use by the dwellers.
regional planning,urban design,landscape architecture
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