Segmentation of Fluorescence Microscopy Images for Quantitative Analysis of Cell Nuclear Architecture

Biophysical Journal(2009)

Cited 39|Views20
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Considerable advances in microscopy, biophysics, and cell biology have provided a wealth of imaging data describing the functional organization of the cell nucleus. Until recently, cell nuclear architecture has largely been assessed by subjective visual inspection of fluorescently labeled components imaged by the optical microscope. This approach is inadequate to fully quantify spatial associations, especially when the patterns are indistinct, irregular, or highly punctate. Accurate image processing techniques as well as statistical and computational tools are thus necessary to interpret this data if meaningful spatial-function relationships are to be established. Here, we have developed a thresholding algorithm, stable count thresholding (SCT), to segment nuclear compartments in confocal laser scanning microscopy image stacks to facilitate objective and quantitative analysis of the three-dimensional organization of these objects using formal statistical methods. We validate the efficacy and performance of the SCT algorithm using real images of immunofluorescently stained nuclear compartments and fluorescent beads as well as simulated images. In all three cases, the SCT algorithm delivers a segmentation that is far better than standard thresholding methods, and more importantly, is comparable to manual thresholding results. By applying the SCT algorithm and statistical analysis, we quantify the spatial configuration of promyelocytic leukemia nuclear bodies with respect to irregular-shaped SC35 domains. We show that the compartments are closer than expected under a null model for their spatial point distribution, and furthermore that their spatial association varies according to cell state. The methods reported are general and can readily be applied to quantify the spatial interactions of other nuclear compartments.
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Key words
visual inspection,computer simulation,confocal laser scanning microscopy,quantitative analysis,statistical analysis,optical microscope,fluorescence microscopy,null model,transcription factors,cell line,cell biology,three dimensional,algorithms,nuclear proteins,monte carlo method
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