Degrees of Concern in Components of Waterfront Parks by Conjoint Analysis

Kiyoshi SHINGU, Kiyotoshi HIRATSUKA

Journal of Computational Science and Technology(2008)

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The Tokyo Metropolitan Government established “Seaside park plan” (1970) and “Tokyo municipal seaside park ordinance” (1975). The Tokyo Metropolitan Government considers that the conservation of seaside, riverside and urban parks make the creation of places where residents of Tokyo can come in contact with nature. However, it seems that the planning and construction of those parks have been carried out by the administration from one-side view. The waterfront parks are public and have been used by many people. As there have been no data what components of parks are important for users of parks, eight seaside parks called waterfront parks were watched, degrees of satisfactory of eighty two residents who live in metropolitan area about components of parks were surveyed, and degrees of concern about components of the parks have been obtained by conjoint analysis. Those waterfront parks are located at Odaiba near the Tokyo bay. Here, the components of parks are as follows; 1) Hydrophile, 2)Rest space, 3) Public transport and conditions of location, 4) Recreation, 5) Scenery and outlook, 6) Maintenance, 7) Monument, and 8) Openness. The following main results have been obtained from the research.: a) Male and female think scenery and outlook, and hydrophile are important. b) Rest space is less important than other components for the twenties, but important for the thirties, forties and sixties. c) Public transport and location is not much important for teenager, but important for the others. d) The fifties make a point 1) Hydrophile, 3) Public transport and condition of location, and 5) Scenery and outlook.
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Key words
component,conjoint analysis,questionnaire,public transport
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