Linear Cofactor Difference Extrema of MOSFET's Drain–Current and Application to Parameter Extraction

Electron Devices, IEEE Transactions(2007)

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The linear cofactor difference extrema due to the nonlinearity of the MOSFET drain-current and their application to extract MOSFET parameters are presented in this brief. The extrema of drain-current are obtained by applying the linear cofactor difference operator to the drain-current versus gate voltage curve in the linear region. These extrema are directly used to find the threshold voltage and the mobility of a MOSFET. This method has been tested using data from experimentally fabricated MOSFETs and by simulating results through the device simulator DESSIS-ISE. The results agree well with those obtained by the standard second-derivative approach, which demonstrates the validity of the method presented. The advantages and disadvantages of this method are also discussed
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