
Monoclonal Antibodies Specific for Rat Relaxin. X. Endogenous Relaxin Induces Changes in the Histological Characteristics of the Rat Vagina During the Second Half of Pregnancy


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This study employed morphometric analysis to evaluate changes in the histological characteristics that accompany relaxin-induced growth and softening of the vagina during the second half of rat pregnancy. There were three treatment groups (N = 4/group). Five milligrams of a monoclonal antibody for rat relaxin, designated MCA1, were injected i.v. daily on days 12-21 of gestation to treatment group MCA1. Control groups received either 5 mg of monoclonal antibody for fluorescein (MCAF; monoclonal antibody control) or 0.5 ml PBS (vehicle control). Vaginas were removed on day 22 of pregnancy, fixed in 10% neutral-buffered formalin, and embedded in paraffin. Tissue sections (5 microm) were stained with Gomori's trichrome to visualize collagen, or orcein to visualize elastin. Measurements were performed with a light microscope equipped with a video camera connected to a computer. Within the vaginal stroma, the density of collagen fiber bundles was lower, the length of elastin fibers was shorter, and the cross-sectional area and wall thickness of arteries were greater in relaxin-replete control rats than in relaxin-deficient MCA1-treated rats. These relaxin-induced changes in the stroma appear to account, at least in part, for the hormone's softening effect on the vagina. Within the epithelium, there were approximately 2-fold more basal and mucus-secreting cells in relaxin-replete control rats than in MCA1-treated rats. The relaxin-induced accumulation of epithelial cells appears to contribute to vaginal growth. We conclude that relaxin plays a role in preparing the vagina as well as the cervix for rapid and safe delivery in pregnant rats.
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