Observations on a Multi-species Seagrass Meadow Offshore of Negros Oriental, Republic of the Philippines


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Eight species of seagrasses were encountered in a multi-species meadow offshore of Negros Oriental, Republic of the Philippines: Halodule uninervis (Forssk.) Aschers., Halodule pinifolia (Miki) Den Hartog, Cymodocea rotundata Ehrenb. et Hempr. ex Aschers., Cymodocea serrulata (R. Br.) Aschers., Syringodium isoetifolium (Aschers.) Dandy, Thalassia hemprichii (Ehrenb.) Aschers., Enhalus acoroides (L. f) Royle, and Halophila ovalis (R. Br.) Hook. f A transect survey showed that five of the eight species were quite common, with cover estimates of individual species ranging from less than 10% to over 50%. Above- and below-ground biomass and leaf productivity data were collected for at least four species at each of three stations. Above-ground biomass for combined species ranged from 125 to 250 g dw m-2, and below-ground biomass of combined species ranged from 264 to 828 g dw m-2. Areal production rates for combined species ranged between 4.78 to 9.38 g dw m-2 d-1, with considerable inter-specific variation. High levels of protein and low levels of soluble carbohydrate were consistent with the rapid above-ground growth observed for all species, and also suggested high growth for below-ground portions of C. serrulata, H. uninervis, S. isoetifolium, and T. hemprichii. Epiphyte loads were low compared to sister species from other locations, perhaps due to rapid blade turnover rates (up to 7.8% day-1 for S. isoetifolium).
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