Synthesis properties and structure of binuclear anionic “Mo(V) hydroxide”, [Mo2O4(OH)4(H2O2]2−


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The structure of "molybdenum(V) hydroxide" has been defined. The complex was obtained from MoO42- molybdate anion reduction with hydrazine-hydrate in aqueous solution. This compound is assigned the formula (N2H5)(2)[Mo-2(mu-O)(2)O-2(OH)4(H2O)2], dihydrazonium[di-mu-oxo-bis-(aquadihydroxooxomolybdate(V)]. The product similar in structure as that obtained on MoO42- reduction with NaBH4 and on (NH4)(2)MoOCl5 hydrolysis. Upon dissolving molybdenum(V) hydroxide in oxalic or tartaric acid solutions the diamagnetic complexes are obtained and characterized by means of IR, NMR and EXAFS spectroscopy.
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binuclear anionic,mo2o4oh4h2o22−,synthesis,mov
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