Effect of Photoirradiation on the Growth of Znse in Metalorganic Molecular-Beam Epitaxy

Journal of crystal growth(1994)

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The photo-irradiation effect on the growth of ZnSe in metalorganic molecular beam epitaxy (MOMBE) using dimethylzinc (DMZn) and dimethylselenide (DMSe) as source gases has been investigated. It was revealed that a Se-stabilized (2×1) reconstruction changed to Zn-stabilized c(2×2) by irradiating a high-pressure Hg lamp to the surface under simultaneous supply of MO gases. In the case of growth under alternate gas supply mode, the Id1 emission, which originates from an exciton bound to deep acceptor, was much reduced in intensity if the lamp was irradiated during the DMZn gas supply, while the Y emission, which is reported to originate from an exciton bound to a structural defect, newly appeared by the irradiation during the DMSe gas supply. It was found that photo-irradiation not only enhances desorption of Se atoms from the surface during the DMSe supply, but is also effective for the perfection of Zn-stabilized surface during the DMZn supply.
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