Explosion Simulation Using Compressible Fluids
2008 Sixth Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics & Image Processing(2008)
We propose a novel physically based method to simulate explosions and other compressible fluid phenomena. The method uses compressible Navier Stokes equations for modeling the explosion with a Semi-Lagrangian integration method. The proposed integration method addresses the issues of stability and larger timesteps. This is achieved by modifying the Semi-Lagrangian method to reduce dissipation and increase accuracy, using improved interpolation and an error correction method. The proposed method allows the rendering of related phenomena like a fireball, dust and smoke clouds, and the simulation of solid interaction - like rigid fracture and rigid body simulation. Our method is flexible enough to afford substantial artistic control over the behavior of the explosion.
Semi-Lagrangian integration method,Semi-Lagrangian method,error correction method,proposed integration method,proposed method,compressible Navier Stokes equation,compressible fluid phenomenon,rigid body simulation,rigid fracture,improved interpolation,Compressible Fluids,Explosion Simulation
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