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Research Interests

Papers共 31 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts

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K T Lesko, Steven Acheson, J L Alonso, Paul Bauer,Yuendat Chan,W Chinowsky, Steve Dangermond,J A Detwiler, Syd De Vries,R Digennaro, Elizabeth Exter, Felix B Fernandez, Elizabeth L Freer, M Gilchriese,A Goldschmidt, Ben Grammann, William Griffing, Bill Harlan,Wick C Haxton, Michael Headley,J Heise, Z Hladysz,Dianna Jacobs, Michael K Johnson,R W Kadel, R H Kaufman, Greg King, R E Lanou,Alberto Lemut,Zoltan Ligeti,Steve Marks,Ryan D Martin, John Matthesen, Brendan Matthew, W G Matthews, R J Mcconnell, William Mcelroy, Deborah Meyer, Margaret Norris,D Plate, K E Robinson,William Roggenthen, R Salve, Ben Sayler,John Scheetz,Jim Tarpinian,David J Taylor, David Vardiman, Ron Wheeler,J Willhite,J Yeck
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Author Statistics

#Papers: 33

#Citation: 636

H-Index: 20

G-Index: 25

Sociability: 6

Diversity: 2

Activity: 0

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