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Papers共 23 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts

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Karri Silventoinen,Aline Jelenkovic,Reijo Sund,Yoshie Yokoyama,Yoon-Mi Hur,Wendy Cozen,Amie E Hwang,Thomas M Mack,Chika Honda,Fujio Inui,Yoshinori Iwatani,Mikio Watanabe,Rie Tomizawa,Kirsi H Pietiläinen,Aila Rissanen,Sisira H Siribaddana,Matthew Hotopf,Athula Sumathipala,Fruhling Rijsdijk,Qihua Tan,Dongfeng Zhang,Zengchang Pang,Maarit Piirtola,Sari Aaltonen,Sevgi Y Öncel,Fazil Aliev,Esther Rebato,Jacob B Hjelmborg,Kaare Christensen,Axel Skytthe,Kirsten O Kyvik,Judy L Silberg,Lindon J Eaves,Tessa L Cutler,Juan R Ordoñana,Juan F Sánchez-Romera,Lucia Colodro-Conde,Yun-Mi Song,Sarah Yang,Kayoung Lee,Carol E Franz,William S Kremen,Michael J Lyons,Andreas Busjahn,Tracy L Nelson,Keith E Whitfield,Christian Kandler,Kerry L Jang,Margaret Gatz,David A Butler,Maria A Stazi,Corrado Fagnani,Cristina D'Ippolito,Glen E Duncan,Dedra Buchwald,Nicholas G Martin,Sarah E Medland,Grant W Montgomery,Hoe-Uk Jeong,Gary E Swan,Ruth Krasnow,Patrik Ke Magnusson,Nancy L Pedersen,Anna K Dahl Aslan,Tom A McAdams,Thalia C Eley,Alice M Gregory,Per Tynelius,Laura A Baker,Catherine Tuvblad,Gombojav Bayasgalan,Danshiitsoodol Narandalai,Timothy D Spector,Massimo Mangino,Genevieve Lachance,S Alexandra Burt,Kelly L Klump,Jennifer R Harris,Ingunn Brandt,Thomas S Nilsen,Robert F Krueger,Matt McGue,Shandell Pahlen,Robin P Corley,Brooke M Huibregtse,Meike Bartels,Catharina Em van Beijsterveldt,Gonneke Willemsen,Jack H Goldberg,Finn Rasmussen,Adam D Tarnoki,David L Tarnoki,Catherine A Derom,Robert F Vlietinck,Ruth Jf Loos,John L Hopper,Joohon Sung,Hermine H Maes,Eric Turkheimer,Dorret I Boomsma,Thorkild Ia Sørensen,Jaakko Kaprio
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Author Statistics

#Papers: 23

#Citation: 604

H-Index: 14

G-Index: 19

Sociability: 6

Diversity: 2

Activity: 7

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