Research Interests
Author Statistics
#Papers: 112
#Citation: 2191
H-Index: 23
G-Index: 46
Sociability: 6
Diversity: 3
Activity: 11
- 合作者
- 学生
- 导师

Andrew J. Larkoski合作论文数
Stanford University12

Ian Moult合作论文数
Department of Physics, Yale University10

Felix Ringer合作论文数

Sato Nobuo合作论文数

Wouter J. Waalewijn合作论文数

Ivan Vitev合作论文数
Theoretical Division, Group T-2 Nuclear and Particle
Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology, Los Alamos National Laboratory5

Ira Zvi Rothstein合作论文数
Department of Physics, Mellon College of Science, Carnegie Mellon University4

Huaxing Zhu (朱华星)合作论文数
School of Physics, Peking University4

Cedric Lorce合作论文数

Francesco Giovanni Celiberto合作论文数
Dipartimento Fis, Univ Pavia3

Kyle Lee合作论文数
Lawrence Berkeley Natl Lab3

daniel pitonyak合作论文数

Signori A合作论文数
Department of Physics and Astronomy, VU University Amsterdam;Nikhef, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.;Department of Physics and Astronomy, VU University Amsterdam3

Raju Venugopalan合作论文数
Department of Physics, Brookhaven National Laboratory3

Martin Hentschinski合作论文数
Brookhaven National Laboratory3

M. Boglione合作论文数
University and INFN, Torino, Italy3

Alexey Vladimirov合作论文数

Y.K. Li合作论文数

Wally Melnitchouk合作论文数
Jefferson Lab3

Umberto Dalesio合作论文数
Italy INFN, University of Cagliari3

Radja Boughezal合作论文数
Institut für Theoretische;Physik und Astrophysik;Univers ität Würzburg;Institut für Theoretische, Univers ität Würzburg3

Ignazio Scimemi合作论文数
Departamento de F ´ õsica Teorica II;Universidad Complutense de Madrid;Departamento de F ´ õsica Teorica II, Universidad Complutense de Madrid3

Bjoern Schenke合作论文数
Institut fur Theoretische;Universitat;Institut fur Theoretische, Universitat Frankfurt3

Marco Radici合作论文数
Pavia U. & INFN3

Emanuele R. Nocera合作论文数
Sezione di Genova, Università di Genova and INFN3

Iain W. Stewart合作论文数
Department of Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology3

Pavel Nadolsky合作论文数
Department of Physics, Dedman College of Humanities & Sciences, Southern Methodist University3

Marco Battaglieri合作论文数
Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare3

Alexei Prokudin合作论文数
Jefferson Laboratory3

Francesco Murgia合作论文数
University and INFN, Cagliari, Italy3

Juan Rojo合作论文数
Dipartimento di Fisica;Universita di Milano;Sezione di Milano;Sezione di Milano, Universita di Milano3

A. Palmiero合作论文数

E. Schueler合作论文数

S. Liuti合作论文数

P. Zurita合作论文数

Swagato Mukherjee合作论文数

A. Huss合作论文数

B. Karki合作论文数
Ohio Univ2

N. Chopra合作论文数
MD Anderson Canc Ctr, UT2

A. Glick合作论文数

Weiyao Ke合作论文数

Gherardo Vita合作论文数

Farid Salazar合作论文数
Nuclear Science Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory2

Jennifer Rittenhouse West合作论文数
Lawrence Berkeley Natl Lab2

Xiaojun Yao合作论文数
Ctr Theoret Phys, MIT2

Yiannis Makris合作论文数

A. Pilloni合作论文数
Scienze Fisiche e Scienze della Terra, Università degli Studi di Messina2

Oleksandr Tomalak合作论文数
Div Theoret, Los Alamos Natl Lab2
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