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Papers共 28 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts

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Yusheng Bian, Takako Hirokawa,Won Suk Lee,Sujith Chandran,Ken Giewont,Abdelsalam Aboketaf,Qidi Liu, Ryan Sporer, Michal Rakowski, Kevin Dezfulian, Ming Gong,Arman Najafi, Chris Ritchie, Jae-Kyu Cho, Massimo Sorbara,Thomas Houghton, Yarong Lin,Michelle Zhang, Shenghua Song, Helen Wong, Zahidur Chowdhury, Arpan Dasgupta, Farid Barakat, Jason Kim,Kate McLean,Hanyi Ding,Jingyu Wu,Rongtao Cao, Fahimeh Banihashemian, Salman Mosleh, Felix Beaudoin, Ryan Gallagher, Brian Popielarski, Prateek Sharma,Francis O. Afzal,Mohamed Gheith, Ian Stobert, Mini Modh Ghosal, Prashanth Raghavendra Prasad, Ranjani Sirdeshmukh, Janet Tinkler, Teck-Jung Tang, Frederick G. Anderson, Norm Robson, Seungman Choi, Andrea Paganini, Fen Jamin, Vaibhav Ruparelia,Jae Gon Lee, Ian Melville, George Gifford,Vikas Gupta,Anthony Yu, Isabelle Ferain,Ted Letavic
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Author Statistics

#Papers: 28

#Citation: 529

H-Index: 7

G-Index: 17

Sociability: 5

Diversity: 1

Activity: 4

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