I am a forest ecologist interested in the response of forests to global change, drawing on different approaches and methods.
I graduated in Forestry Engineering at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, and performed my PhD at the Servicio Regional de Investigación y Desarrollo Agroalimentario in Asturias with a FPI scholarship. I obtained my Doctorate at the Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, with cum laude, European Mention and the Extraordinary Doctorate Award. The general objective was to analyse strategies to establish silvopastoral systems in mountainous areas, a key management tool for landscape conservation and population maintenance.
Afterwards, I initiated new research lines working with different groups. First, in 2010, at the Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (MNCN-CSIC), I explored patterns of recruitment, growth and mortality of dominant tree species along gradients, and studied the effect of environmental variables at different scales. Then, with a Marie Curie Fellowship, I went to the Universität Freiburg (Germany) where I analysed the functional diversity of European forests and the extent of the intraspecific component. In 2016, I returned to MNCN-CSIC to work in a European project (GenTREE), in which I led a Work Package. There, I explored the functional trait space of tree populations across their European distribution and their relationship with their genetic variability. My interest in understanding the species functional space variation and its role on the ecosystem functioning and community assembly has gained new support, as I got an Assistant Researcher position (since Oct 2020) at the Centro de Estudos Florestais, Lisbon, funded by the Portuguese Fundaçao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia. Since May 2021, I work at the Forestry Faculty of the UPM. This new position represents exciting new challenges in my career: to increase my teaching and mentoring role and to combine sound ecological and silvicultural knowledge in order to design guidelines for managers in the ongoing changing scenarios.
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ECOSYSTEMSno. 3 (2023): 643-660
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#Papers: 81
#Citation: 2787
H-Index: 24
G-Index: 52
Sociability: 7
Diversity: 3
Activity: 25
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