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Papers共 43 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts

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C M Correa, M Fernandez Diaz Silveira, M J A Sampaio, S N Ferreira,J Cabrera, U Lele,William H Lesser,G Horstkotte Wesseler, Eds,F Astudillo, Sinatra K Salazar,J Komen,Jeffrey I Cohen, Sarah K Lee, N T Middleton,Graham Dutfield,R E Evenson,Douglas Gollin,V Santaniello,C L Ives,B M Bedford,F H Erbisch,K M Maredia,G Sain, P Orantes, O Maldonado, John Hernandez,J L Queme, G Tansey, L C Smith, Richard Carter, J Mugabe, C V Barber, G Henne,L Glowka, A La Vina,M Ghislain,M Querci,M Bonierbale,Ali M Golmirzaie, Robert M Nelson, K P Ewing,R G Tarasofsky,A Golmirzale,Gary Clyde Hufbauer,Jeffrey J Schott,Peter Blume, V Rivera A,S Rodriguez C,A Prat,R Antequera Parilli,I Flit,G Gomez Muci, Teresa Gomez Del Pulgar,F Suarez De Castro,R Salazar Cambronero, J A Cabrera Medaglia,A Lopez Mora,Mitchel B Wallerstein,Mary Ellen Mogee, R A Schoen, R Leon Guillen
P Aigrain,M Alexander, K Ansell-Pearson,A Appadurai, C Bacon-Smith,C Bailey, MA Moser, D MacLeod, MM Bakhtin, H Iswolsky, MM Bakhtin,C Emerson, M Holquist, MM Bakhtin,C Emerson, WC Booth, MM Bakhtin, VW McGee, MM Bakhtin,M Holquist, V Liapunov, D Barney,A Barry, C Jenks, R Barthes, A Lavers,R Barthes, S Heath,R Barthes, S Heath, U Beck, M Ritter,U Beck, P Camiller,U Beck, P Camiller,W Benjamin,H Arendt,H Zohn,Y Benkler,L Bently, B Sherman, H Bergson, FL Pogson,H Bergson, A Mitchell,H Bergson, M Lewis, R Durie, H Beverley-Smith, S Biggs, J Leach, D Bohm, A Bois Y-,YA Bois,R Krauss,L Boltanski,E Chiapello, G Elliott, R Bolton, S Bonny,RE Evenson,V Santaniello, JL Borges, A Kerrigan,P Bourdieu, R Nice,P Bourdieu,R Nice,P Bourdieu,R Nice,P Bourdieu, M Adamson,P Bourdieu, R Johnson,J Boyle, SB Brush, G Burkhart, J Butler,B Cain,M Castells,M Ince, M Chander Aand Sunder, AR Chapman,J Clifford, R Cooinbe, R Coombe, R Cooter, T Ulen, W Cornish, JA Cuddon, J Davis, M De Certeau, S Rendall, M De Landa, G Deleuze, P Patton,G Deleuze, F Guattari,G Deleuze,F Guattari, D Polan,G Deleuze,F Guattari, B Massumi,G Deleuze,F Guattari,G Burchell, H Tomlinson,J Derrida, B Johnson, R Dienst, D Downes, P Drahos,J Braithwaite, G Dutfield, U Eco, A Cancogni, EJ Esrock, S Fish,H Foster,M Foucault, JV Harari, M Fox, J Frazer, P Frosh, J Frow, AR Galloway, D Gervais, J Gibson, H MacQueen, C Waelde, J Ginsburg
C Arce,G Guerra Espinal,Alexandra Cortes Aguilar,A Nino De Zepeda,F Di Silvestre, M Maino,E Muchnik, Eds, D I Harvey, G T Da S Dias, Universidade De Sao Paulo,L G Reca,C Garramon, Buenos Aires Iica,A S Brandao,Universidade Estadual Do Rio De Janeiro, G C De Rezende,Raymond Noronha,Gershon Feder, Richard E Just,John Miranowski,H P Binswanger,M Elgin, Ruben Joseph Hermann, Universitat Institut Fur Weltwirtschaft Kiel,John R Anderson,R W Herdt,Montague J Lord, Bid Washington D C, Simon Johnson,William E Meyers,Patrick C Westhoff,Abner W Womack,Vernon O Roningen,Praveen M Dixit, R D Seeley, Maureen Kilkenny, Sharon M Robinson,L S Jarvis, M R Medero,T Ademola Oyejide, J Garcia Garcia,Romeo M Bautista, Ifpri Washington D C,Richard H Snape, E Schuh, K E Waedekin,Dale G Johnson, P Y Moon,Pablo Barahona,Jorge Quiroz,R G Lattimore, B J Ross, R Sandrey,J Yifu Lin, A Wos, Csaba Csaki, G Anania,Don Mcclatchy, S Cahill, S Targermann, Universitat Goettingen Alemania,Tim Josling, B Gadner, A Slamwalla,T K Warley,H Von Witzke,Gordon C Rausser,H De Gorter,A De Janvry,Elisabeth Sadoulet, Kevin Anderson, Rodney Tyers, Anne O Krueger, M Kimming,Universitat Freiburg, Anita R Stilz,Marc Nerlove, C L J Van Der Meer,Yair Mundlak,R E Evenson,Domingo Cavallo, Buenos Aires Ieeral Fundacion Mediterranea
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Author Statistics

#Papers: 44

#Citation: 799

H-Index: 22

G-Index: 26

Sociability: 6

Diversity: 0

Activity: 0

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