In high energy physics we are usually interested in interactions between partons (quarks and gluons) with high momentum transfer, producing new particles like the Higgs boson or supersymmetric partners, or more familiar ones like the top quark. These decay to produce further partons. However, partons cannot propagate freely but are confined into hadrons, the particles that interact with the detectors around the collision region. This process by which a few hard partons evolve into a system of hundreds of hadrons is far too complicated to calculate analytically and must be modelled numerically, with Monte Carlo techniques. Any attempt to understand the data from the LHC or other high energy collider experiments would be completely impossible without Monte Carlo event generators that simulate them.
Professor Seymour is a senior author of Herwig, one of the three general purpose event generators used by the LHC experiments. He is currently working on theoretical projects to improve the formal accuracy of the approximations used in event generators, called parton shower algorithms, and on more phenomenological projects, to use current data to validate and tune the modelling in the event generators to provide LHC predictions with quantified accuracy. He also works closely with experimenters using event generators to optimize their analyses and get the maximum value out of their data.
Professor Seymour is a senior author of Herwig, one of the three general purpose event generators used by the LHC experiments. He is currently working on theoretical projects to improve the formal accuracy of the approximations used in event generators, called parton shower algorithms, and on more phenomenological projects, to use current data to validate and tune the modelling in the event generators to provide LHC predictions with quantified accuracy. He also works closely with experimenters using event generators to optimize their analyses and get the maximum value out of their data.
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