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Papers共 17 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts

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Jose de Leon,Georgios Schoretsanitis,Robert L. Smith,Espen Molden,Anssi Solismaa,Niko Seppälä,Miloslav Kopeček,Patrik Švancer,Ismael Olmos,Carina Ricciardi,Celso Iglesias-Garcia,Ana Iglesias-Alonso,Edoardo Spina,Can-Jun Ruan,Chuan-Yue Wang,Gang Wang,Yi-Lang Tang,Shih-Ku Lin,Hsien-Yuan Lane,Yong Sik Kim,Se Hyun Kim,Anto P. Rajkumar,Dinora F. González-Esquivel,Helgi Jung-Cook,Trino Baptista,Christopher Rohde,Jimmi Nielsen,Hélène Verdoux,Clelia Quiles,Emilio J. Sanz,Carlos De Las Cuevas,Dan Cohen,Peter F.J. Schulte,Aygün Ertuğrul,A. Elif Anıl Yağcıoğlu,Nitin Chopra,Betsy McCollum,Charles Shelton,Robert O. Cotes,Arun R. Kaithi,John M. Kane,Saeed Farooq,Chee H. Ng,John Bilbily,Christoph Hiemke,Carlos López-Jaramillo,Ian McGrane,Fernando Lana,Chin B. Eap,Manuel Arrojo-Romero,Flavian Ş. Rădulescu,Erich Seifritz,Susanna Every-Palmer,Chad A. Bousman,Emmanuel Bebawi,Rahul Bhattacharya,Deanna L. Kelly,Yuji Otsuka,Judit Lazary,Rafael Torres, Agustin Yecora,Mariano Motuca,Sherry K.W. Chan,Monica Zolezzi,Sami Ouanes,Domenico De Berardis,Sandeep Grover,Ric M. Procyshyn,Richard A. Adebayo,Oleg O. Kirilochev,Andrey Soloviev,Konstantinos N. Fountoulakis,Alina Wilkowska,Wiesław J. Cubała, Muhammad Ayub,Alzira Silva,Raphael M. Bonelli,José M. Villagrán-Moreno,Benedicto Crespo-Facorro,Henk Temmingh,Eric Decloedt,Maria R. Pedro,Hiroyoshi Takeuchi,Masaru Tsukahara,Gerhard Gründer,Marina Sagud,Andreja Celofiga,Dragana Ignjatovic Ristic,Bruno B. Ortiz,Helio Elkis,António J. Pacheco Palha,Adrián LLerena,Emilio Fernandez-Egea,Dan Siskind,Abraham Weizman,Rim Masmoudi,Shamin Mohd Saffian,Jonathan G. Leung,Peter F. Buckley,Stephen R. Marder,Leslie Citrome,Oliver Freudenreich,Christoph U. Correll,Daniel J. Müller
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Author Statistics

#Papers: 17

#Citation: 112

H-Index: 4

G-Index: 9

Sociability: 5

Diversity: 2

Activity: 11

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