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Papers共 21 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts

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Paulo Wender P Gomes,Helena Mannochio-Russo,Robin Schmid,Simone Zuffa,Tito Damiani,Luis-Manuel Quiros-Guerrero,Andrés Mauricio Caraballo-Rodríguez,Haoqi Nina Zhao,Heejung Yang,Shipei Xing, Vincent Charron-Lamoureux,Desnor N Chigumba,Brian E Sedio,Jonathan A Myers,Pierre-Marie Allard, Thomas V Harwood,Giselle Tamayo-Castillo,Kyo Bin Kang,Emmanuel Defossez,Hector H F Koolen,Milton Nascimento da Silva,Consuelo Yumiko Yoshioka E Silva,Sergio Rasmann,Tom W N Walker,Gaëtan Glauser,José Miguel Chaves-Fallas,Bruno David,Hyunwoo Kim, Kyu Hyeong Lee, Myeong Ji Kim,Won Jun Choi,Young-Sam Keum,Emilly J S P de Lima,Lívia Soman de Medeiros,Giovana A Bataglion,Emmanoel V Costa,Felipe M A da Silva, Alice Rhelly V Carvalho,José Diogo E Reis,Sônia Pamplona,Eunah Jeong, Kyungha Lee,Geum Jin Kim,Yun-Seo Kil,Joo-Won Nam,Hyukjae Choi,Yoo Kyong Han,Si Young Park,Ki Yong Lee,Changling Hu, Yilun Dong,Shengmin Sang,Colin R Morrison,Ricardo Moreira Borges,Andrew Magno Teixeira,Seo Yoon Lee,Bum Soo Lee,Se Yun Jeong,Ki Hyun Kim,Adriano Rutz,Arnaud Gaudry, Edouard Bruelhart,Iris F Kappers,Rumyana Karlova,Mara Meisenburg, Roland Berdaguer,J Sebastián Tello,David Henderson,Leslie Cayola,S Joseph Wright,David N Allen,Kristina J Anderson-Teixeira,Jennifer L Baltzer,James A Lutz,Sean M McMahon,Geoffrey G Parker,John D Parker,Trent R Northen,Benjamin P Bowen,Tomáš Pluskal,Justin J J van der Hooft,Jeremy J Carver,Nuno Bandeira,Benjamin S Pullman,Jean-Luc Wolfender,Roland D Kersten,Mingxun Wang,Pieter C Dorrestein
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Author Statistics

#Papers: 21

#Citation: 285

H-Index: 9

G-Index: 16

Sociability: 6

Diversity: 0

Activity: 0

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