I am a systematic and taxonomic mycologist specializing in the study of inoperculate discomycetes. I got my PhD (Mycology) in the Canary Islands (Spain) where I am from. In the last five years I have been a postdoctoral fellow at the Harvard University Herbaria. During my scientific career I have won several competitive grants and awards. I have participated in 12 projects, 8 nationals and 4 Internationals. I have 50 publications in scientific journals (36 indexed in JCR: Agriculture, Biology, Biodiversity and Conservation, Forestry, Plant Sciences, Microbiology, Mycology) and co-authored 6 books and 4 book chapters. I have been reviewer for 13 different mycological journals (Ascomycete.org, Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science, Forest Ecology and Management, International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, Turkish Journal of Botany, Mycokeys, Mycologia Montenegrina, Mycological Progress, Mycoscience, Mycotaxon, Phytotaxa, Persoonia), and I am on the editorial board of three of them (Mycological Progress, Mycologia Montenegrina, Ascomycete.org). I have 44 presentations in congresses, and I have been invited as plenary speaker in international congresses in Cyprus, Mexico, Panama, and Pakistan congresses. I have help with the organization or being part of the scientific committee in the following congresses: International Eurasian Mycology Congress (2022), XXIII Simposio Internacional de Botánica Criptogámica (2022), II Congreso de jóvenes Investigadores de las Islas Canarias (2017) and XIV Congreso de la Asociación Ibero-Macaronesica de Jardines Botánicos (2016). I have been employed to work in 5 Educational Innovative Projects (partial time each project one year). For each project we did a didactic books (Cormophyta, Inflorescences and Flores, Fruits, Ferns, Fungi) that is used to teach botany in the University. I have been teaching assistant in the La Laguna University in the courses: Foundation of Applied Plant biology [B.Sc. Biology], Botany [B.Sc. Environment Sciences], Botany I [B.Sc. Biology), Botany II [B.Sc. Biology], Floristic Diversity [M.Sc. Biodiversity and Conservation on Islands], Mycology and Phycology [B.Sc. Pharmacy], Vascular Plants [B.Sc. Biology], and professor of Mycology in extension school [EUPAM, Spain]. I helped teaching in mycology courses in Latin American Universities (Veracruzana University – Mexico, Austral University - Chile, Rosario University - Colombia]. I have mentored students: undergraduate from University of La Laguna (Spain: 2017-2028 - Laura Ortega, 2018-2019 – Marcos Quintero, 2021-2022 – Andrea González), I am going to help two more during the next year, one from Quindio University (Colombia) and another one from Spain. Nowadays, I am discussing with doctoral candidate from Galicia the possibility to be his co-supervisor of PhD (Spain, 2021-2024 – Saúl de la Peña Lastra). I have been committee of undergraduate students in Colombia, graduate students in Spain and in Mexico. Finally, I have done several community outreaches, mostly mycological exhibitions, but also I have participated in several events like science festivals and workshops.
#Papers: 56
#Citation: 852
H-Index: 10
G-Index: 29
Sociability: 7
Diversity: 2
Activity: 20
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