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Papers共 193 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts

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Kenneth Chan,Elizabeth Wahome,Apostolos Tsiachristas,Alexios S. Antonopoulos,Parijat Patel,Maria Lyasheva,Lucy Kingham,Henry West,Evangelos K. Oikonomou,Lucrezia Volpe,Michail C. Mavrogiannis, Edward Nicol,Tarun K. Mittal, Thomas Halborg,Rafail A. Kotronias,David Adlam,Bhavik Modi,Jonathan Rodrigues,Nicholas Screaton,Attila Kardos, John P. Greenwood, Nikant Sabharwal, Giovanni Luigi De Maria, Shahzad Munir, Elisa McAlindon, Yogesh Sohan, Pete Tomlins, Muhammad Siddique, Andrew Kelion, Cheerag Shirodaria, Francesca Pugliese, Steffen E. Petersen, Ron Blankstein, Milind Desai, Bernard J. Gersh, Stephan Achenbach, Peter Libby, Stefan Neubauer, Keith M. Channon, John Deanfield, Charalambos Antoniades
T Ratneswaren,N Chan,J Aeron-Thomas, S Sait, O Adesalu, M Alhawamdeh,M Benger, J Garnham, L Dixon, F Tona, C McNamara, E Taylor,K Lobotesis, E Lim, O Goldberg, N Asmar, O Evbuomwan, S Banerjee, L Holm-Mercer, J Senor, Y Tsitsiou, P Tantrige,A Taha, K Ballal, A Mattar, A Daadipour, K Elfergani, R Barker, R Chakravartty,A G Murchison, B J Kemp,R Simister,I Davagnanam, O Y Wong,D Werring,A Banaras, M Anjari, J K C Mak,A M Falzon,J C L Rodrigues, C A S Thompson, I R Haines, T A Burnett, R E Y Zaher, V L Reay, M Banerjee, C S L Sew Hee, A P Oo, A Lo, P Rogers, T Hughes, A Marin, S Mukherjee, H Jaber, E Sanders, S Owen, M Bhandari, S Sundayi, A Bhagat, M Elsakka, O H Hashmi, M Lymbouris, Y Gurung-Koney, M Arshad, I Hasan, N Singh, V Patel, M Rahiminejad,T C Booth, RADIANT Group
S Watson, G Dixon, A Savill,M A Gibbons,S L Barratt,J C L Rodrigues
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Author Statistics

#Papers: 194

#Citation: 1678

H-Index: 21

G-Index: 37

Sociability: 7

Diversity: 3

Activity: 53

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