Research Interests
Author Statistics
#Papers: 757
#Citation: 34350
H-Index: 93
G-Index: 152
Sociability: 8
Diversity: 2
Activity: 112
- 合作者
- 学生
- 导师

R. J. Van Weeren合作论文数

Philip N. Best合作论文数
Institute for Astronomy, School of Physics & Astronomy, The University of Edinburgh170

Marcus Brüggen合作论文数
Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences, Universität Hamburg162

George Miley合作论文数
University of Leiden156

Timothy Shimwell合作论文数
Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy;Leiden Observatory, Leiden University136

Cyril Tasse合作论文数

Francesco De Gasperin合作论文数

Martin Hardcastle合作论文数
Centre for Astrophysics Research, Department of Physics, Astronomy and Mathematics, School of Physics, Engineering & Computer Science, University of Hertfordshire115

Gianfranco Brunetti合作论文数
Istituto di Radioastronomia97

Annalisa Bonafede合作论文数
Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Bologna93

Wendy L. Williams合作论文数

M. Hoeft合作论文数

George Heald合作论文数
SKA Observatory70

Isabella Prandoni合作论文数
Istituto di Radioastronomia67

Matt Jarvis合作论文数
Department of Physics, University of Oxford;Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences Division, University of Oxford66

H. T. Intema合作论文数
Leiden Observatory;Leiden University;Leiden Observatory, Leiden University66

Raffaella Morganti合作论文数
Astronomy Group, ASTRON;Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy, ASTRON;Kapteyn Institute, University of Groningen;Faculty of Science and Engineering, University of Groningen64

Laura Pentericci合作论文数
Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma, National Institute for Astrophysics64

A. Botteon合作论文数

Leah Morabito合作论文数

Aleksandar Shulevski合作论文数
Kapteyn Astronomical Institute58

Carlos De Breuck合作论文数
ALMA Development Department, European Southern Observatory57

E Orru合作论文数

J. Sabater合作论文数
Artificial Intelligence Research Institute51

Roderik Overzier合作论文数
Netherlands Organisation for Applied Research;Leiden Observatory;Leiden University;Observatório Nacional51

C. Ferrari合作论文数

R. Cassano合作论文数

Bram Venemans合作论文数
Leiden Observatory, Leiden University50

John Mckean合作论文数
Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy;Kapteyn Astronomical Institute, University of Groningen;Faculty of Science and Engineering, University of Groningen;University of Pretoria50

Michael W. Wise合作论文数

Jeremy J. Harwood合作论文数
Ctr Astrophys Res, Univ Hertfordshire45

Raymond Oonk合作论文数
ASTRON, Leiden University45

Judith Croston合作论文数
School of Physical Sciences, Faculty of Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics, The Open University44

M. Iacobelli合作论文数

m brienza合作论文数
Netherlands Inst Radio Astron, Postbus 2, NL-7990 AA Dwingeloo, Netherlands42

Mike Garrett合作论文数
University of Manchester;Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics42

Dominik J. Schwarz合作论文数
Fakultät für Physik, Universität Bielefeld41

John Conway合作论文数

Heino Falcke合作论文数
Radboud University41

Jaron Kurk合作论文数

Krzysztof T. Chyzy合作论文数
Obserwatorium Astronomiczne Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego40

K. J. Duncan合作论文数

R Pizzo合作论文数

A. Drabent合作论文数

Glenn J. White合作论文数
Centre for Astrophysics & Planetary Science;School of Physical Sciences;University of Kent;School of Physical Sciences, University of Kent38

m pandeypommier合作论文数

Wolfgang Reich合作论文数

W. Van Breugel合作论文数

Daniel Smith合作论文数
Department of Physics, Astronomy and Mathematics, School of Physics, Engineering & Computer Science, University of Hertfordshire37
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