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Papers共 63 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts

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Zuzana Kos,Elvire Roblin,Rim S. Kim,Stefan Michiels,Brandon D. Gallas,Weijie Chen,Koen K. van de Vijver,Shom Goel,Sylvia Adams,Sandra Demaria,Giuseppe Viale,Torsten O. Nielsen,Sunil S. Badve,W. Fraser Symmans,Christos Sotiriou,David L. Rimm,Stephen Hewitt,Carsten Denkert,Sibylle Loibl,Stephen J. Luen,John M. S. Bartlett,Peter Savas,Giancarlo Pruneri,Deborah A. Dillon,Maggie Chon U. Cheang,Andrew Tutt,Jacqueline A. Hall,Marleen Kok,Hugo M. Horlings,Anant Madabhushi,Jeroen van der Laak,Francesco Ciompi,Anne-Vibeke Laenkholm,Enrique Bellolio,Tina Gruosso,Stephen B. Fox,Juan Carlos Araya,Giuseppe Floris,Jan Hudecek,Leonie Voorwerk,Andrew H. Beck, Jen Kerner,Denis Larsimont, Sabine Declercq,Gert Van den Eynden,Lajos Pusztai,Anna Ehinger,Wentao Yang,Khalid AbdulJabbar,Yinyin Yuan,Rajendra Singh,Crispin Hiley,Maise al Bakir,Alexander J. Lazar,Stephen Naber,Stephan Wienert,Miluska Castillo,Giuseppe Curigliano,Maria-Vittoria Dieci,Fabrice Andre,Charles Swanton,Jorge Reis-Filho,Joseph Sparano,Eva Balslev,I-Chun Chen,Elisabeth Ida Specht Stovgaard,Katherine Pogue-Geile,Kim R. M. Blenman,Frederique Penault-Llorca,Stuart Schnitt,Sunil R. Lakhani,Anne Vincent-Salomon,Federico Rojo,Jeremy P. Braybrooke,Matthew G. Hanna,M. Teresa Soler-Monso,Daniel Bethmann,Carlos A. Castaneda,Karen Willard-Gallo,Ashish Sharma,Huang-Chun Lien,Susan Fineberg, Jeppe Thagaard,Laura Comerma,Paula Gonzalez-Ericsson,Edi Brogi,Sherene Loi,Joel Saltz, Frederick Klaushen,Lee Cooper,Mohamed Amgad,David A. Moore,Roberto Salgado
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Author Statistics

#Papers: 63

#Citation: 2402

H-Index: 23

G-Index: 49

Sociability: 6

Diversity: 0

Activity: 0

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