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Papers共 9 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts

By YearBy Citation主题筛选期刊级别筛选合作者筛选合作机构筛选
S. G. Gregory,K. F. Barlow,K. E. McLay,R. Kaul,D. Swarbreck,A. Dunham,C. E. Scott,K. L. Howe,K. Woodfine,C. C. A. Spencer,M. C. Jones,C. Gillson, S. Searle, Y. Zhou,F. Kokocinski,L. McDonald,R. Evans,K. Phillips,A. Atkinson,R. Cooper,C. Jones,R. E. Hall,T. D. Andrews,C. Lloyd,R. Ainscough,J. P. Almeida,K. D. Ambrose,F. Anderson,R. W. Andrew,R. I. S. Ashwell,K. Aubin,A. K. Babbage,C. L. Bagguley,J. Bailey,R. Banerjee,H. Beasley,G. Bethel,C. P. Bird,S. Bray-Allen,J. Y. Brown,A. J. Brown, S. P. Bryant,D. Buckley,D. C. Burford, W. D. H. Burrill,J. Burton, J. Bye,C. Carder,J. C. Chapman,S. Y. Clark,G. Clarke,C. Clee,S. M. Clegg,V. Cobley,R. E. Collier,N. Corby,G. J. Coville,J. Davies, R. Deadman,P. Dhami,O. Dovey,M. Dunn,M. Earthrowl,A. G. Ellington,H. Errington, L. M. Faulkner,A. Frankish,J. Frankland,L. French,P. Garner,J. Garnett, L. Gay,M. R. J. Ghori,R. Gibson,L. M. Gilby,W. Gillett,R. J. Glithero,D. V. Grafham,S. M. Gribble,C. Griffiths,S. Griffiths-Jones,R. Grocock,S. Hammond, E. S. I. Harrison,E. Hart,E. Haugen,P. D. Heath,S. Holmes,K. Holt,P. J. Howden,A. R. Hunt,S. E. Hunt,G. Hunter,J. Isherwood,R. James,C. Johnson,D. Johnson,A. Joy,M. Kay,J. K. Kershaw,M. Kibukawa,A. M. Kimberley,A. King, A. J. Knights,H. Lad,G. Laird,C. F. Langford,S. Lawlor,D. A. Leongamornlert,D. M. Lloyd,J. Loveland,J. Lovell,M. J. Lush,R. Lyne,S. Martin,M. Mashreghi-Mohammadi,L. Matthews,N. S. W. Matthews,S. McLaren,S. Milne,S. Mistry, M. J. F. M. oore,T. Nickerson, C. N. O'Dell,K. Oliver, A. Palmeiri,S. A. Palmer, R. D. Pandian,A. Parker, D. Patel,A. V. Pearce,A. I. Peck,S. Pelan,K. Phelps,B. J. Phillimore,R. Plumb,K. M. Porter,E. Prigmore, J. Rajan, C. Raymond, G. Rouse,C. Saenphimmachak,H. K. Sehra,E. Sheridan,R. Shownkeen,S. Sims,C. D. Skuce,M. Smith,C. Steward,S. Subramanian,N. Sycamore,A. Tracey,A. Tromans, Z. Van Helmond,M. Wall J. M. Wallis, S. White,S. L. Whitehead, J. E. Wilkinson,D. L. Willey,H. Williams,L. Wilming,P. W. Wray, Z. Wu,A. Coulson,M. Vaudin,J. E. Sulston,R. Durbin,T. Hubbard,R. Wooster,I. Dunham,N. P. Carter,G. McVean,M. T. Ross,J. Harrow,M. V. Olson,S. Beck,J. Rogers,D. R. Bentley
A J Mungall,S A Palmer,S K Sims,C A Edwards, J L Ashurst,L Wilming,M C Jones, R Horton,S E Hunt,C E Scott,J G R Gilbert,M E Clamp,G Bethel,S Milne, R Ainscough,J P Almeida,K D Ambrose,T D Andrews,R I S Ashwell,A K Babbage, C L Bagguley,J Bailey,R Banerjee,D J Barker,K F Barlow,K Bates,D M Beare,H Beasley,O Beasley,C P Bird,S Blakey,S Bray-Allen, J Brook,A J Brown,J Y Brown,D C Burford,W Burrill,J Burton,C Carder,N P Carter,J C Chapman,S Y Clark,G Clark,C M Clee,S Clegg,V Cobley,R E Collier,J E Collins, L K Colman,N R Corby, G J Coville, K M Culley,P Dhami,J Davies,M Dunn,M E Earthrowl, A E Ellington, K A Evans,L Faulkner, M D Francis,A Frankish,J Frankland,L French,P Garner,J Garnett,M J R Ghori,L M Gilby,C J Gillson,R J Glithero,D V Grafham,M Grant,S Gribble,C Griffiths,M Griffiths,R Hall,K S Halls,S Hammond, J L Harley,E A Hart,P D Heath, R Heathcott, S J Holmes,P J Howden,K L Howe,G R Howell,E Huckle,S J Humphray, M D Humphries,A R Hunt,C M Johnson,A A Joy,M Kay,S J Keenan,A M Kimberley,A King,G K Laird,C Langford,S Lawlor,D A Leongamornlert,M Leversha,C R Lloyd,D M Lloyd,J E Loveland,J Lovell,S Martin,M Mashreghi-Mohammadi,G L Maslen,L Matthews,O T McCann,S J McLaren, K McLay,A McMurray, M J F Moore,J C Mullikin,D Niblett,T Nickerson, K L Novik,K Oliver, E K Overton-Larty,A Parker,R Patel,A V Pearce,A I Peck,B Phillimore, S Phillips,R W Plumb,K M Porter,Y Ramsey,S A Ranby,C M Rice,M T Ross, S M Searle,H K Sehra,E Sheridan, C D Skuce, S Smith,M Smith, L Spraggon, S L Squares,C A Steward,N Sycamore, G Tamlyn-Hall,J Tester,A J Theaker,D W Thomas,A Thorpe,A Tracey,A Tromans,B Tubby,M Wall, J M Wallis,A P West, S S White,S L Whitehead, H Whittaker, A Wild,D J Willey,T E Wilmer,J M Wood,P W Wray, J C Wyatt,L Young, R M Younger,D R Bentley,A Coulson,R Durbin,T Hubbard,J E Sulston,I Dunham,J Rogers,S Beck
A. J. Mungall,S. A. Palmer,S. K. Sims,C. A. Edwards,J. L. Ashurst,L. Wilming,M. C. Jones, R. Horton,S. E. Hunt,C. E. Scott,J. G. R. Gilbert,M. E. Clamp,G. Bethel,S. Milne, R. Ainscough,J. P. Almeida,K. D. Ambrose,T. D. Andrews,R. I. S. Ashwell,A. K. Babbage,C. L. Bagguley,J. Bailey,R. Banerjee,D. J. Barker,K. F. Barlow,K. Bates,D. M. Beare,H. Beasley,O. Beasley,C. P. Bird,S. Blakey,S. Bray-Allen, J. Brook,A. J. Brown,J. Y. Brown,D. C. Burford,W. Burrill,J. Burton,C. Carder,N. P. Carter,J. C. Chapman,S. Y. Clark, G. Clark,C. M. Clee,S. Clegg,V. Cobley,R. E. Collier,J. E. Collins, L. K. Colman,N. R. Corby,G. J. Coville,K. M. Culley,P. Dhami,J. Davies,M. Dunn,M. E. Earthrowl,A. E. Ellington, K. A. Evans,L. Faulkner, M. D. Francis,A. Frankish,J. Frankland,L. French,P. Garner,J. Garnett,M. J. R. Ghori,L. M. Gilby, C. J. Gillson,R. J. Glithero,D. V. Grafham,M. Grant,S. Gribble,C. Griffiths,M. Griffiths,R. Hall,K. S. Halls,S. Hammond,J. L. Harley,E. A. Hart,P. D. Heath, R. Heathcott, S. J. Holmes,P. J. Howden,K. L. Howe,G. R. Howell,E. Huckle,S. J. Humphray, M. D. Humphries,A. R. Hunt,C. M. Johnson,A. A. Joy,M. Kay,S. J. Keenan,A. M. Kimberley,A. King,G. K. Laird,C. Langford,S. Lawlor,D. A. Leongamornlert,M. Leversha,C. R. Lloyd,D. M. Lloyd,J. E. Loveland,J. Lovell,S. Martin,M. Mashreghi-Mohammadi,G. L. Maslen,L. Matthews,O. T. McCann,S. J. McLaren, K. McLay,A. McMurray, M. J. F. Moore,J. C. Mullikin,D. Niblett,T. Nickerson, K. L. Novik,K. Oliver, E. K. Overton-Larty, A. Parker,R. Patel,A. V. Pearce,A. I. Peck,B. Phillimore, S. Phillips,R. W. Plumb,K. M. Porter,Y. Ramsey,S. A. Ranby,C. M. Rice,M. T. Ross, S. M. Searle,H. K. Sehra, E. Sheridan, C. D. Skuce, S. Smith,M. Smith, L. Spraggon, S. L. Squares,C. A. Steward,N. Sycamore, G. Tamlyn-Hall,J. Tester,A. J. Theaker,D. W. Thomas,A. Thorpe,A. Tracey, A. Tromans,B. Tubby,M. Wall,J. M. Wallis,A. P. West, S. S. White,S. L. Whitehead, H. Whittaker, A. Wild,D. J. Willey,T. E. Wilmer,J. M. Wood,P. W. Wray, J. C. Wyatt,L. Young, R. M. Younger,D. R. Bentley,A. Coulson,R. Durbin,T. Hubbard,J. E. Sulston,I. Dunham,J. Rogers,S. Beck
Author Statistics

#Papers: 9

#Citation: 1309

H-Index: 6

G-Index: 6

Sociability: 6

Diversity: 2

Activity: 0

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