Research Interests
Author Statistics
#Papers: 24
#Citation: 274
H-Index: 8
G-Index: 12
Sociability: 8
Diversity: 0
Activity: 0
- 合作者
- 学生
- 导师

Jungil Lee合作论文数
Department of Physics, Korea University17

Helin Xu合作论文数

D. Kleinjan合作论文数

T. Engelmore合作论文数

Olivier Drapier合作论文数

V. Babintsev合作论文数

Melvin L. Brooks合作论文数
Los Alamos National Laboratory16

C. Maguire合作论文数
Ctr Brasileiro Pesquisas Fis16

V. Bumazhnov合作论文数

S. Bathe合作论文数

Artur Durum合作论文数

A. Enokizono合作论文数

John Haggerty合作论文数
Physics Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory16

J. Hanks合作论文数

Yousef Makdisi合作论文数
Collider Accelerator Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory16

Márton Nagy合作论文数
Department of Atomic Physics, ELTE Institute of Physics and Astronomy, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Eötvös Loránd University16

E. Mannel合作论文数

D. McGlinchey合作论文数

Thomas Hemmick合作论文数
Department of Physics and Astronomy, College of Arts and Sciences, Stony Brook University16

Alexei Lebedev合作论文数
Physics Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory16

S. Esumi合作论文数

Abhay Deshpande合作论文数
Brookhaven National Laboratory16

Mickey Chiu合作论文数
Physics Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory;NEXO;PHENIX16

Alexander Milov合作论文数
Department of Particle Physics and Astrophysics, Faculty of Physics, Weizmann Institute of Science16

P. L. McGaughey合作论文数
Los Alamos National Laboratory16

B. V. Jacak合作论文数
Department of Physics and Astronomy, Stony Brook University16

M. Kurosawa合作论文数

Kenichi Ozawa (小澤健一)合作论文数
Institute of Materials Structure Science, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization16

Ajit Kumar Mohanty合作论文数
Department of Atomic Energy, Government of India;Nuclear Physics Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre16

Mate Csanad合作论文数
Faculty of Natural Sciences, Eötvös Loránd University;Department of Atomic Physics, Eötvös Loránd University16

David Gabbaizadeh合作论文数
Department of Medicine, Grossman School of Medicine, New York University16

Lai Y S合作论文数

N. N. Ajitanand合作论文数

Byung-Sik Hong合作论文数
Department of Physics, College of Science, Korea University16

M. Gonin合作论文数

Tatsuya Chujo合作论文数
Institute of Physics, University of Tsukuba;Division of Physics, Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences, University of Tsukuba16

Kenneth N Barish合作论文数
Physics and Astronomy Dept, University of California, Riverside16

R. Granier De Cassagnac合作论文数
Laboratoire Leprince-Ringuet, Ecole Polytechnique, IN2P3-CNRS, Palaiseau, France16

Terry Awes合作论文数
Oak Ridge National Laboratory16

Edouard Kistenev合作论文数
Brookhaven National Laboratory16

Kensuke Homma (本間謙輔)合作论文数
Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering, Hiroshima University16

M. Grosse Perdekamp合作论文数
Department of Physics, University of California16

Vince Cianciolo合作论文数
Physics Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory16

Bob Azmoun合作论文数
Physics Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory16

M. Bai合作论文数

Axel Drees合作论文数
Department of Physics and Astronomy, Stony Brook University;College of Arts and Sciences, Stony Brook University16

T. Ichihara合作论文数

Yasuyuki Akiba合作论文数
RHIC Physics Research Laboratory, Nishina Center for Accelerator-Based Science, RIKEN16

K. Aoki合作论文数
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