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Papers共 7 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts

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S Aguilar,J A Herrero Echavarria, Luis Martin Gomez,G Diaz Quintero,J A Bravo,J A Herrero Echevarria,I Sandoval Ramirez,L F Perez Vicente,G Gonzalez Arias,E Del Risco Rodriguez,Gaetano Guerra,L Almaguel Rojas,E Botta Ferret,L L Vazquez Moreno,E Fernandez Gonzalvez,J Lauzardo Rico,T Garcia Torriente,J Alfonso Simonetti,R Ochoa,F Blanco Godinez, M Rodriguez,R L Machado Castro,G J Martin Martin,L R Simon Guelmes,H C Machado Martinez,B Mesa Fuentes,J J Paretas Fernandez,M Lopez Gutierrez,J M Iglesias Gomez,S A Betancourt Barroso, Daniel S Wechsler, H B Roe, Q C Ayres, O Gomez Consuegra, A Casanova Morales,H Laterrot,G Anais, P P Del Pozo, A Romero,R Cabrera Grana,M J Jorge Diaz,Milagros Balbin, Enrique Ortega, R Hochmut,D Milan Manso,L Almaguel,E Blanco, Pedro Romero Suarez,P De La Torre,Idalia Caceres,C Nieve,M Marquez, L C Blanco, Mendoza Hernandez F, J Gomez Sousa, D Dinchev,V A Kulicov,G V Rudney, J J Lanero Fernandez,M M Perez Jorge, C Cox, J Acuna Gale,W Ramirez Sanchez,A Martinez Marrero,P L Perez Vasquez,N A Rivas Cabezas,J Montanez Garcia,P Bofill Vazquez, Elisa Hirschhorn, I I Truzov,F Funes, Luis E Garcia,M Bourque,N Perez,P Rosset, Eds,H H Hume, Michael L Scott, R J Young,M C Nesheim, L Junco Cruz, P P Pulgaron Berriel, C Pascual Del Cueto, G Perez Oramas, N Milanes Ramos, L Cabrera Miranda,F Morales Batista,W Popenoe,M Carrazana, I Rodriguez, M Matov, Carolina Maria Do Carmo Alonso,Julia Duran, E Frometa, Nicholas G Martin, C Gutierrez, A J Fors, J Canizares Zayas
A Z Martinez Gutierrez, P E De La Torre Santana,E Botta Ferret, M Castro Vazquez, N Gonzalez Mollinedo
Author Statistics

#Papers: 7

#Citation: 160

H-Index: 7

G-Index: 7

Sociability: 6

Diversity: 0

Activity: 0

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