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Papers共 3 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts

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Zilberman David Otte Joachim Rolandholst David Pfeiffer Dirk,B F Calderon,L N Lacayo,Janet L Stein,N E Odongo,N L Duarte Acevedo, Rojas Olavarria H Moreira Zuniga R,K R Sones, P D Moehlman, G Mora Cerdas, Garcia J P O Lunardi J J, Cordero L Salas J J, J Dobereiner,A Morilla Gonzalez, Ramirez Necoechea R Sierra Romero N,F Espinoza,B Kirchof,Damaris Quezada Martinez
A R Gehring, A Ludwig, R J Luis Fonseca,Diaz A Uria R, J R Leslie,Damaris Quezada Martinez, F G Bell,Maria Virtudes Cespedes, Beccar L Hoogendam P Kubach T Lagemann J,Eduard Naudascher, Novak P Moffat A I B Nalluri C Narayanan R, G B Beekman,O Hidalgo Lopez,J H Loedeman,Meulen S J Van Derdikken G Den,Da Costa J A Falcon Moreno E,M Villon B, R Sanchez Porras,Rivera Torres Lisandrosolis Hernanfaustino Jorgejimenezotarola Francisco,A Deffis Caso, S Matallana Ventura, Romero A L Cabrera Grana R Jorge Diaz M J,J L Fuentes Yague, R S Odingo,J Alarcon Gonzalez,Zipparro V J Hasen H,G W Pickels, Gonde H Jussiaux Ph,A E S Alcock, J L Chow Zuniga, I Ensminger, Dorcey T Steiner A Acreman M Orlando B, O Lopez Villegas, Solis Bolanos H Cuevas Marin J A
A R Gehring,Diaz A Uria R, G Mora Cerdas, Santos R C Doscerqueira V S,Damaris Quezada Martinez,Thungen J Vonmontes L,A J Pordomingo,M Padilla Perez,Escudero V Rettaly R,S De Millan,V Arronis Diaz,B Kirchof, Sarria B P I Rosero M C,V Figueroa,M E Ensminger,J H Loedeman, Baird G Bartok J W Jr Brault D, Park K J Aglibut F B,O Arroyo Barreto, Benavides J Esquivel J Lozano E, Bello Aira T Solano Alvarado R Blanco Jimenez R A, A J Smith, Moreno P L J Zuleta C L Laurent A
Author Statistics

#Papers: 3

#Citation: 94

H-Index: 3

G-Index: 3

Sociability: 4

Diversity: 0

Activity: 0

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