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J Miranda Gomez,S D Ospina Hernandez, P A, Ramirez Builes V H Jaramillo Robledo A,Velasquez Franco S Jaramillo Robledo A, R S,Ashwini K M Sridhar K R,O Borbon Martinez, Cajina Canelo Mauricio J Faustino Jorge,Dietz J Holscher D Leuschner C Hendrayanto, Orozco Zamora C Montagnini F,A Jaramillo Robledo, George H Hargreaves,Steinhardt U Fassbender H W,Vera R R Morris J G,Wanjala F M E Dooso B S,D Pena Duran,J Garcia Benavides,J G Bhatt, R M, Malavolta E Carvalho J G De,Frias G Rojas M R Saborio S, Huber A M Oyarzun C E, Hincapie Gomez E Rivera Posada H, Wetselaar R Simpson J R Rosswall T,Gommes R Petrassi F,A M Young,M C Tabuenca, Hargreaves G H Hancock J K, Anaya Garduno M Rivera Olivar D,G Remenieras,H H Bennett,G Wrigley
M S Mejia De Tafur,D Pena Duran,M Sanchez De Prager, Ceballos Valencia A Echeverri Cardona G, M Calderon Corral, Gomez Vargas G A Maya Agudelo L F,Sieverding E Sanchez De Prager M Bravo O N, C E Gomez M, N Barrera Marin,J E Leguizamon C, Fernandez O Lopezduque S, Leguizamon J Lopezduque S,Soria S De J Wirth W W, B F Topper, O Barros Nieves, L R Siller F,G Malaguti, Forsythe W Quesnel V C,V C Quesnel, J Villafuerte P, Malaguti G Diaz Camero H, A Muntzing, T H De Franco,R Desrosiers, De La Cruz L J Soria V S,S De J Soria, Padilla Bruges F H Chung A Salas G De Las,C Morales, C Prior, M F, E A Ramirez
A P Varela Villalobos,A I Ramirez Rodriguez,G Dechert,Edzo Veldkamp,R Brumme,D Pena Duran,Jose M Paruelo,Osvaldo E Sala,Anton Huber,Carlos Oyarzun,S Ochoa Gaona,G Dominguez Vazquez,George H Hargreaves,James E Smith, D E Reichle,Daniel Rodriguez, L I Romero,B Rapidel, A F Gustafson,Herbert Riehl, J Tosi, I A Zelaya,Micheal D K Owen,A Pitty, R Lora Salcedo, J S Barrales, S M Huke, J Plecan, Larissa Doddi Marcelino, Julian A Quintero,R Radulovich, James E Marcia,J M Will,G Valle A, Nizami Duran, R Ortiz, J L Rivera Ruano,O Guzmanmartinez, J V Baldionrincon,Dwight R Cordero, Edma Carvalho De Miranda, M De Obaldia, Juan A Bernal,M Araya Vargas,V Chaves Arias,L Gomez Gomez, B Hernandez Ruballos,N Henriquez Chacon, J C Campos C, D Portillo A,P De T Alvim, R Chong P, J V Suarez S, G A Bucaro Gonzalez, L Melendez Marin,J A Ventocilla Gonzales,R Desrosiers,A Von Buchwald, C Bolanos,S De J Soria,E K Djiekpor,M Partiot,Y K Amefia,A Segbor,R Fordham, J De La Cruz L, S Soria, H Trojer
Poppenborg P Holscher D,Nieschelze J Erasmi S Dietz J Holscher D,Dietz J Holscher D Leuschner C Hendrayanto,Steinhardt U Fassbender H W,Vera R R Morris J G,Wanjala F M E Dooso B S,D Pena Duran,J Garcia Benavides,Gommes R Petrassi F, Hargreaves G H Hancock J K,R J Godwin,R Radulovich,Duran N Ortiz R A, E Zuniga, M E Gertsch, C T Bryson, Nur A M Wibawa A, R W, G M Kairu, Awatramani N A Sitarama M Subramanya H, Griffiths E Waller J M,Glenn F Browning, N A Awatramami,Huxley P A Turk A Mitchell H W, M G R Cannell, W A Rockie, A Lavin A, Vidal P I Varas E,Garcia Benavides J Anaya Garduno M Rincon Velazco E,I A Brioso De Leon, M H Koolhaas,Wiedenhofer H Garcia Benavides J, V J Oliver, S L Hastenrath, T L Lawson, Blake J Rosero P Lojan L, S T Holden, D I Boden
Author Statistics

#Papers: 6

#Citation: 148

H-Index: 6

G-Index: 6

Sociability: 6

Diversity: 0

Activity: 0

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