Research Interests
Author Statistics
#Papers: 430
#Citation: 27185
H-Index: 72
G-Index: 154
Sociability: 8
Diversity: 2
Activity: 35
- 合作者
- 学生
- 导师

Divya Oberoi合作论文数
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research National Centre for Radio Astrophysics115

Rigel Cappallo合作论文数
Haystack Observatory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology97

Alan E. E. Rogers合作论文数

Miguel F. Morales合作论文数
Department of Physics, College of Arts & Sciences, University of Washington85

Rachel Webster合作论文数
School of Physics, University of Melbourne82

Judd Bowman合作论文数
LoCo Lab, School of Earth and Space Exploration, Arizona State University;College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Arizona State University82

Randall Wayth合作论文数
Curtin Institute of Radio Astronomy, School of Electrical Engineering, Computing and Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Curtin University;SKA Observatory81

Sheperd S. Doeleman合作论文数
Department of Astronomy, Harvard University;Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory81

Steven J Tingay合作论文数
International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research, Curtin University78

K. S. Srivani合作论文数

Prabu Thiagaraj合作论文数
Raman Research Institute77

Edward Morgan合作论文数
Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research, Massachusetts Institute of Technology76

Stephen R. Mcwhirter合作论文数

Lincoln J. Greenhill合作论文数
Department of Astronomy, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Harvard University;Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory76

Stephen Mark Ord合作论文数
Swinburne University of Technology;Centre for Astrophysics and Supercomputing;Centre for Astrophysics and Supercomputing, Swinburne University of Technology72

Udaya Shankar Narayana Rao合作论文数
Raman Research Institute72

Daniel A. Mitchell合作论文数
Australia Telescope Natl Facil, CSIRO Astron & Space Sci71

Frank H Briggs合作论文数

Ravi Subrahmanyan合作论文数
Raman Research Institute69

Justin C. Kasper合作论文数
Climate and Space Sciences and Engineering Department, College of Engineering, University of Michigan;High Energy Astrophysics Division, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics;Astronomy Department, Harvard University;BWX Technologies Inc69

Andrew John Williams合作论文数

David Kaplan合作论文数
Department of Physics, College of Letters & Science, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee65

Avinash A. Deshpande合作论文数
Raman Res Inst64

B. J. Hazelton合作论文数

Bernardi G.合作论文数

C. L. Williams合作论文数

John Conway合作论文数

Brian E. Corey合作论文数

Bryan M Gaensler合作论文数
Division of Physical and Biological Sciences, University of California, Santa Cruz;Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, University of California, Santa Cruz53

Mervyn J. Lynch合作论文数
CSIRO Division of Atmospheric Research52

Vincent Fish合作论文数
Haystack Observatory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology52

Geoffrey Bower (包傑夫)合作论文数
Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Academia Sinica49

Kazunori Akiyama合作论文数

E. Kratzenberg合作论文数

Mareki Honma合作论文数
National Astronomical Observatory of Japan48

Thomas Krichbaum合作论文数
Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy48

Lynn D. Matthews合作论文数
Haystack Observatory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology48

Daniel P. Marrone合作论文数

Iván Martí-Vidal合作论文数
Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, University of Valencia47

Jacqueline N. Hewitt合作论文数
Department of Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology;Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research, Massachusetts Institute of Technology47

Maciek Wielgus合作论文数
Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie, Auf dem Hügel 69, D-53121 Bonn, Germany46

Andrew Chael合作论文数
Princeton Gravity Initiative, Princeton University;;Princeton Gravity Initiative, Princeton University46

David Emrich合作论文数

David L. Shupe合作论文数

Michael Johnson合作论文数
Center for Astrophysics, Harvard & Smithsonian;Radio & Geoastronomy Division, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory;Department of Astronomy, Harvard University46

Katie Bouman合作论文数
Department of Computing + Mathematical Sciences, Division of Engineering and Applied Science, California Institute of Technology46

Avery E. Broderick合作论文数
Institute for Theory and Computation46

Lindy Blackburn合作论文数
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics45

Per Friberg合作论文数
Joint Astronomy Center;hawaii;Joint Astronomy Center45
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