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Papers共 14 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts

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Michelle A. Schorn,Stefan Verhoeven,Lars Ridder,Florian Huber,Deepa D. Acharya,Alexander A. Aksenov,Gajender Aleti,Jamshid Amiri Moghaddam,Allegra T. Aron,Saefuddin Aziz,Anelize Bauermeister,Katherine D. Bauman,Martin Baunach,Christine Beemelmanns,J. Michael Beman,Maria Victoria Berlanga-Clavero,Alex A. Blacutt,Helge B. Bode,Anne Boullie,Asker Brejnrod,Tim S. Bugni,Alexandra Calteau,Liu Cao,Victor J. Carrion,Raquel Castelo-Branco,Shaurya Chanana,Alexander B. Chase,Marc G. Chevrette,Leticia V. Costa-Lotufo,Jason M. Crawford,Cameron R. Currie,Bart Cuypers,Tam Dang,Tristan de Rond,Alyssa M. Demko,Elke Dittmann,Chao Du,Christopher Drozd,Jean-Claude Dujardin,Rachel J. Dutton,Anna Edlund,David P. Fewer,Neha Garg,Julia M. Gauglitz,Emily C. Gentry,Lena Gerwick,Evgenia Glukhov,Harald Gross,Muriel Gugger,Dulce G. Guillen Matus,Eric J. N. Helfrich,Benjamin-Florian Hempel,Jae-Seoun Hur,Marianna Iorio,Paul R. Jensen,Kyo Bin Kang,Leonard Kaysser,Neil L. Kelleher,Chung Sub Kim,Ki Hyun Kim,Irina Koester,Gabriele M. Koenig,Tiago Leao,Seoung Rak Lee,Yi-Yuan Lee,Xuanji Li,Jessica C. Little,Katherine N. Maloney,Daniel Maennle,Christian Martin H.,Andrew C. McAvoy,Willam W. Metcalf,Hosein Mohimani,Carlos Molina-Santiago,Bradley S. Moore,Michael W. Mullowney,Mitchell Muskat,Louis-Felix Nothias,Ellis C. O'Neill,Elizabeth I. Parkinson,Daniel Petras,Jorn Piel,Emily C. Pierce, Karine Pires,Raphael Reher,Diego Romero,M. Caroline Roper,Michael Rust,Hamada Saad,Carmen Saenz,Laura M. Sanchez,Soren Johannes Sorensen,Margherita Sosio,Roderich D. Sussmuth,Douglas Sweeney,Kapil Tahlan,Regan J. Thomson,Nicholas J. Tobias,Amaro E. Trindade-Silva,Gilles P. van Wezel,Mingxun Wang,Kelly C. Weldon,Fan Zhang,Nadine Ziemert,Katherine R. Duncan,Max Cruesemann,Simon Rogers,Pieter C. Dorrestein,Marnix H. Medema,Justin J. J. van der Hooft
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Author Statistics

#Papers: 14

#Citation: 261

H-Index: 7

G-Index: 14

Sociability: 5

Diversity: 0

Activity: 0

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