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A Sanchun Hernandez,D J Sonwa,O Coulibaly,A A Adesina,S F Weise,M Tchatat,C Lopez, P E Shanley,Alfredo Celso Fantini,M R Keyes Hennin, A Morales Rios,A Maciel Gomez,Daniel Vidal Perez,M Kanninen,F Matamoros,W Fonseca, Erika De Cassia Lopes Chaves,R Moya Roque,Miguel F Segura,G Venegas, A J Coombes,J H Jimenez Saa, W R Nicholls, G Malaguti, L Sirotti,D Adomako, F Castaneda, M A Ramirez,Z E G Oliveira,I F Heneine, Belo Horizonte Universidade Federal De Minas Gerais,S Fiszer De Plazas, F H Redman,D N Tewari,Snowdon B D Wood G,Benjamin L Turner, Eds,Ghillean T Prance,A E Prance,F De Paula Neto,Jose Renato Soares Nunes, C C Campos,A B Do Vale, T G Morales C, O R Leveron Z, C Andino S, C Valdes C, E R Garcia M, D N Perez R, Olivia Galvao Lucena Ferreira, J V Mankins, C Rodriguez B, O Murillo E,F Martinez L,L Vargas,R Lopez P,V Capote,R Gonzalez, F M Luzardo, Edgar Jaimes Cardenas, Francisco J Martinez,K Manzanares,A P G Schonau, Paul A Camacho,F Salazar, J P, H P Singh, A Singh Chawla,John W Rowe, D L Bocanegra,J Bueno Z
James F Bell,T Atterbury, Eds, D R Patton, L R Graca, J Fallas, Eduardo Briones, A Flachier, Jose Luis Valdespino Gomez,Diego G Tirira, H Medina, I Jaramillo,C Chiriboga, N G Muir,L A Martinez Sojo, M H Velloso, J Di Ciero, S V Gannzotto, H Marzzitelli,Shinichi Iwamoto,Edward O Garton, T D A Forbes, A Nyyssonen,Snowdon B D Wood G,Benjamin L Turner, P Dulin, J H Rogu, D J Frederick, Elizabeth Gardner, And J T Clark, D Phillips,Wiant H V Frayer W E,Dissescu G Frayer W E, Cunia T Frayer W E,Hitchcock H C Frayer W E,H C Hitchcock, Mcdonnell J P Frayer W E
E I Newman,K Eldridge, Joseph K Davidson,C Hardwood,Snowdon B D Wood G, Bruce C Turner, Eds, I Hunter, P G Knight, Michael G Messina,Mark A Adams,P M Attiwill
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