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Joshua Quick,Nicholas J. Loman,Sophie Duraffour,Jared T. Simpson,Ettore Severi,Lauren Cowley,Joseph Akoi Bore,Raymond Koundouno,Gytis Dudas,Amy Mikhail,Nobila Ouédraogo,Babak Afrough,Amadou Bah,Jonathan H. J. Baum,Beate Becker-Ziaja,Jan Peter Boettcher,Mar Cabeza-Cabrerizo,Álvaro Camino-Sánchez,Lisa L. Carter,Juliane Doerrbecker,Theresa Enkirch,Isabel García- Dorival,Nicole Hetzelt,Julia Hinzmann,Tobias Holm,Liana Eleni Kafetzopoulou, Michel Koropogui,Abigael Kosgey,Eeva Kuisma,Christopher H. Logue,Antonio Mazzarelli,Sarah Meisel,Marc Mertens,Janine Michel,Didier Ngabo, Katja Nitzsche,Elisa Pallasch,Livia Victoria Patrono,Jasmine Portmann,Johanna Gabriella Repits,Natasha Y. Rickett,Andreas Sachse,Katrin Singethan,Inês Vitoriano, Rahel L. Yemanaberhan,Elsa G. Zekeng,Trina Racine,Alexander Bello,Amadou Alpha Sall,Ousmane Faye,Oumar Faye,N’Faly Magassouba, Cecelia V. Williams,Victoria Amburgey,Linda Winona,Emily Davis,Jon Gerlach, Frank Washington,Vanessa Monteil,Marine Jourdain,Marion Bererd,Alimou Camara,Hermann Somlare,Abdoulaye Camara, Marianne Gerard,Guillaume Bado, Bernard Baillet,Déborah Delaune, Koumpingnin Yacouba Nebie,Abdoulaye Diarra,Yacouba Savane, Raymond Bernard Pallawo,Giovanna Jaramillo Gutierrez,Natacha Milhano, Isabelle Roger,Christopher J. Williams, Facinet Yattara,Kuiama Lewandowski, James Taylor,Phillip Rachwal, Daniel J. Turner,Georgios Pollakis,Julian A. Hiscox,David A. Matthews,Matthew K. O’ Shea,Andrew McD. Johnston,Duncan Wilson,Emma Hutley,Erasmus Smit,Antonino Di Caro,Roman Wölfel,Kilian Stoecker,Erna Fleischmann,Martin Gabriel,Simon A. Weller,Lamine Koivogui,Boubacar Diallo,Sakoba Keïta,Andrew Rambaut,Pierre Formenty,Stephan Günther,Miles W. Carroll
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